- Probability
 The likelihood of occurrence. The ratio of the number of chances by which an event may happen (or not happen) to the sum of the chances of both happening and not happening. [D01250]
Likelihood of a risk occurring. [D01249]
Usually used in the context of project risk as a measure of the likelihood of a risk occurring. [D03892]
The likelihood or degree of certainty of a particular occurrence taking place during a specified time period. Independent probabilities relate to events which do not depend on other events which have occurred previously. Dependent probabilities are the probabilities of occurrence once previous specified events have occurred. [D05044]
- Probability and Impact Matrix
A common way to determine whether a risk is considered low, moderate, or high by combining the two dimensions of a risk, i.e. its probability of occurrence, and its impact on objectives if it occurs. [D05570]
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- Probability Assessment
Part of project risk management in which estimates are made of the relative probabilities of identified risk events. [D03170]
- Probability Distribution
A distribution which relates a range of particular outcomes to their likelihood. The most common probability distribution is the normal distribution which is shaped like the cross-section of a bell. [D05045]
- Probability of Acceptance
That percentage of inspection lots expected to be accepted when the lots are subjected to a specific sampling plan. [D01251]
- Probability of Occurrence
The likelihood of something happening. One of three factors in the determination of project risk quantification, namely: Risk Event; Risk Probability; and Amount at Stake. [D03171]
- Probity
The consideration of ethical issues relating to procurement. Some general principles include:
- Problem
A question raised for inquiry, consideration, or solution. An intricate unsettled issue which is a source of perplexity, distress, or vexation, and that may be difficult to understand or accept. [D03173]
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- Problem Analysis Report ("PAR")
A report made by the responsible manager to explain a significant cost or schedule variance, its probable impact on the project, and the corrective actions to be taken to resolve the problem(s). [D04651]
- Problem Resolution
The interaction between the project manager and an individual team member with the goal of finding a solution to a technical or personal problem that affects project accomplishment. [D01252]
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- Problem Solving
 A systematic process for arriving at a solution. [D03174]
Finding ways to overcome or get around obstacles to progress. [D02326]
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In deductive mode, the thinking migrates logically from a problem situation to a particular solution, through the following six steps:
- Defining the objective of the exercise
- Listing the factors that constrain the selection of options
- Identifying options for solving the problem
- Listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option
- Selecting the best option, based on a consideration of its net advantages relative to other options, and
- Preparing a detailed plan for the implementation of that best option
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In elaborative mode, an approach useful in defining solutions to complex and multi-faceted problems. The thinking advances from the problem situation towards a solution by drawing on expert knowledge. The knowledge developed in this manner is clustered under the following four headings:
- Objectives
- Guiding principles
- Working assumptions and
- Technical parameters.
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In recursive mode, the solving of a multivariate problem by selectively varying one or a few variables while holding the others constant. This enables identification of the variables that cause the greatest fluctuations in the range of possible outcomes. [D06476]
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- Problem Solving, in negotiating
Efforts to find agreements that are highly beneficial to both parties. [D02733]
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- Problem Statement
A definition of the problem to be solved by completing the project. [D03736]
- Problem Statement Format
A document structure that succinctly describes a need so that it can be used as the basis for a project. It is the precursor of a Business Case. The suggested outline is as follows:
- Problem/Need Statement/Goal
Documentation to define the problem; to document the need to find a solution: and to document the overall aim of the sponsor. [D01253]
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- Problems Early Warning System
Some device, process, system or informal personal contacts (e.g. the "grape vine") for alerting the project's management to the possibility of adverse events. [D03175]
- Procedure
 A prescribed method for performing specified work. [D01255]
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A particular course or method of action. [D01254]
A set of prescribed steps for accomplishing a specific activity or task. [D01256]
A particular way of accomplishing something. A series of steps followed in a regular and definite order. A traditional or established way of doing things. [D03177]
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- Procedures
Step-by-step instructions on ways to perform a given task or activity; may be accompanied by a statement of purpose and policy for a task, examples of the results of a task, etc. [D06113]
- Procedures Manual
A book of reference describing standard project procedures. [D03176]
- Process
 The set of activities required to achieve an output. [D01261]
A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result. [D01257]
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A set of interrelated work activities in which value is added to the inputs to provide specific outputs. [D01258]
An orderly and progressive sequence of activities that may be represented by a network and that, on completion, results in the creation of a product. [D01259]
The combination of people, equipment, materials, methods, and environment that produce an output, i.e. a given product or service [D01260]
A preferred and controlled method of repetitively and reliably doing something, generally involving sequential steps, techniques and tools. [D04182]
Either- A thread of control that can logically execute concurrently with other processes, specifically an operating system process, or
- A set of partially ordered steps intended to reach a goal. In software engineering the goal is to build a software product or to enhance an existing one. In process engineering, the goal is to develop or enhance a process model. Process corresponds to a business use case in business engineering.
A set of activities performed for a given purpose. [D05199]
That which must be done to bring about a particular outcome, in terms of information to be gathered, decisions to be made and results that must be achieved. [D05418]
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The high-level sequence or flow of tasks performed during production of a product or delivery of service. [D06114]
- Process and Organization
The way the project objective is reached, including processes and schedule as well as organization and resources. [D01262]
- Process Average
The average percent of defective or average number of defects per hundred units of product submitted by the supplier for original inspection. [D01263]
- Process Capability
The range of expected results that can be achieved by following a process. [D05200]
- Process Capability Baseline
A documented characterization of the range of expected results that would normally be achieved by following a specific process under typical circumstances. A process capability baseline is typically established at an organizational level. [D05201]
- Process Control
Managing a process to a proven standard. [D04183]
- Process Design
The design of a process, which may be either a management process as required in corporate management, or technical as in commercial or industrial engineering. [D03178]
- Process Flow Chart
A diagram showing how various elements of a system relate. [D06115]
- Process Measurement
The set of definitions, methods, and activities used to take measurements of a process and its resulting products for the purpose of characterizing and understanding the process. [D05202]
- Process Model
An approach to show how processes are linked together in a business unit. [D06116]
- Process Performance
Measurements of the actual results achieved by following a process. [D05203]
- Process Role
A definition of the behavior and responsibilities of an individual, or a set of individuals working together as a team, within the context of a software engineering organization. The worker represents a role played by individuals on a project, and defines how they carry out work. [D04868]
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