- Periodic Review
Any kind of project review conducted on a periodic basis, most commonly a monthly project review. [D01174]
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- Periodical
Something that occurs or recurs at regular or intermittent intervals. [D03134]
- Perpetual
Something that occurs continually, e.g. management activities throughout the project life cycle. [D03135]
- Personal Recognition
The public acknowledgment of an individual's performance on the project. [D01175]
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- Personal Rewards
Providing an individual with psychological or monetary benefits in return for his or her performance. [D01176]
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- Personalities
Relationships between people, often in a disparaging context. [D03136]
- Personality Types
A way of differentiating between people based on their characteristics, culture, attitudes, aptitudes, capabilities, skills, etc. [D03137]
- Personnel
A body of people, those usually employed in an organization or on a team as workers or staff, etc. [D03138]
- Personnel Development
The education and training of employees, typically the responsibility of the personnel department. [D03139]
- Personnel Management
 An activity encompassing:
The management of an organization's employee affairs, typically the responsibility of the personnel department. [D03140]
- Personnel Training
The development of specific job skills and techniques required by the individual to become more productive. [D01177]
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See Program Evaluation and Review Technique
- PERT Analysis
A process by which you evaluate a probable outcome based on three scenarios:
- Best-case
- Expected-case, and
- Worst-case.
The outcome in question may be a duration of a task, its start date, or its finish date. [D01180]
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- PERT Chart
 A flowchart that shows all tasks and task dependencies. Tasks are represented by boxes and task dependencies are represented by lines connecting the boxes. [D01181]
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See also Project Network Diagram. [D01182]
- PERT Cost
A cost approach in which costs and time are estimated for each task so that the cost of making schedule changes can be evaluated. See also Program Evaluation and Review Technique. [D03081]
- Perturbation
Any confusion, disorder or mistake that signals a "problem". [D03667]
- Per-use Cost
A cost that is incurred all at once when a resource is used, such as equipment rental. [D01183]
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- Pessimistic Duration
The longest duration in the three duration estimating technique. [D01184]
- Pessimistic Time
Roughly speaking, this is the worst-case time to complete an activity. The term has a more precise meaning which is defined in PERT literature. [D03724]
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- PF
See Planned Finish Date
See Pretty Good Privacy
- Phase
 A major period in the life of a project culminating in a major milestone. A Phase may encompass several Stages. [D01186]
A defined segment of work. [D01185]
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A logical group of related tasks that completes a major step in a project. [D01187]
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The time between two major project milestones, during which a well-defined set of objectives is met, artifacts are completed, and decisions are made to move or not move into the next phase. [D04744]
See Project Phase. [D01188]
A part of the program's life cycle, into which activities to manage the program are grouped. The four phases of a program are Program Identification, Program Definition, Program Execution and Benefits Realization. All four phases may be repeated for each tranche of a program if necessary. Editor's Note: The actual realization of the benefits from a project's product is not usually considered a part of the project's life span. [D05036]
A part, section or segment of a project, similar in meaning to a PRINCE2 stage. The key meaning of stage in PRINCE2 terms is the use of management stages, i.e. sections of the project to which the project board only commits one at a time. A phase might be more connected to a time slice, change of skills required, or change of emphasis. [D05406]
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A portion of the project life span that attains a major project milestone [D05407]
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- Phase Gate
 In project portfolio management, a major decision point in the life of a portfolio, program or project, at which a decision may be taken whether to continue, continue with modification, suspend or stop on-going activities. [D06338]
In project portfolio management, a key decision point for a go/no go decision established in the life span of a project, program, or sub-portfolio and required by management for purposes of assessing and controlling the expenditure of portfolio resources. [D06086]
- Phase Review
A checkpoint at the end of each project phase to ensure that a project has achieved its stated objectives and deliverables as planned to this point. See also Control Gate. [D06087]
- Phased Planning
A realistic approach to certain types of projects, such as research, where conditional branches are anticipated (i.e. if we get that result we will go in this direction.) It permits the project manager to plan only to the level of detail that is known at the time. [D02327]
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- Phased Project Delivery
As a general template, the four phases of a project: Discovery, Definition, Implementation and Transfer. Editor's Note: In other words the basic project life span. [D06469]
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- Phased Rollout Projects
See Projects, Phased Rollout. [D06088]
- Phasing
The process of segregating activities into a series of sequential phases. [D03141]
- Philosophy
A body of truths and firm beliefs. Organizationally, it is the basis for the development of mission, goals, objectives, organization, executive action plans, and controls. [D01189]
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- Physical Configuration Audit
 An engineering inspection of a Configuration Item (CI) to verify that the item "As-built" conforms to the "Build-to" documentation. Results of the PCA are part of the Acceptance Review. [D04172]
An engineering audit of a Configuration Item (CI) or System conducted by the Buyer to verify that the item "As-built" conforms to the "Build-to" documentation. The PCA is a method of verification. Results of the PCA are part of the Acceptance Review. [D01190]
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- Physical Percent Complete
The percentage of the work content of an activity that has been achieved. [D01191]
- Physical Restraint
A situation in which a physical activity or work item must be completed before the next activity or work items in the sequence can begin (e.g. concrete must harden before removing formwork). [D01192]
- Pictorial Display
In Scheduling, a display in the form of a still picture, slide or video, that represents scheduling information. [D01791]
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See Project Initiation Document
- Pilot
 A trial apparatus or operation used to validate a proposed solution in a live environment. [D06089]
A form of testing a new development and its implementation prior to committing to its full release. [D04469]
- Pilot Production
The initial limited-quantity production used to confirm readiness for large quantity production. [D04173]
See Post Implementation Review
- Pitch
A briefing, either formal or informal. [D03668]
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