- Technique
 The application of specific principles and/or reasoning to the resolution of project management issues or problems. [D03418]
Skilled means to an end. [D02022]
PMK87 |
The manner in which technical details are treated. A body of technical methods (as in a craft.) A method of accomplishing a desired aim [D02670]
Webster |
- Technological
Pertaining to the collective deployment of technical processes, i.e. the translation of abstract principles or models into specified project deliverables. Editor's Note: The term "technological" is properly applied to the management of the technology vested in the particular project, as distinct from the "technical" aspects of project management such as cost and schedule calculations [D03837]
- Technology
 The collective deployment of technical processes, i.e. the translation of abstract knowledge, principles or models into specified project deliverables. [D03419]
The practical application of knowledge, especially in a particular area such as engineering. A capability given by the practical application of knowledge. A manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge. The specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor. [D03338]
Webster |
- Technology Development Plan
A plan prepared at an early stage of the project encompassing:
- Technology Management
Management of the technical aspects of project activities. Requires a much more in-depth understanding of the relevant technology than is required by project management. For example, a construction manager may have much higher understanding of the construction process than the project's manager. It is often the responsibility of a professional trained in the technology. Hence, Technology Management is considered distinct from Project Management, though the two overlap to a considerable extent. [D03339]
- Telecommunication
Communication at a distance, as by telephone, satellite, or other electronic means. [D03340]
Webster |
- Telecommunications
The science that deals with telecommunication. [D03341]
Webster |
- Teleconferencing
The holding of a conference among people remote from one another by means of telecommunication devices, e.g. telephones or computer terminals using multimedia, etc. [D03342]
Webster |
- Template
 A draft skeletal document in a predetermined layout used in project management to facilitate speed and consistency in reporting and/or documentation. [D06360]
Webster |
A pre-defined structure for an artifact. Synonym: parameterized element. [D04884]
- Tender
 A document proposing to meet a specification in a certain way and at a stated price(or on a particular financial basis), an offer of price and conditions under which the tenderer is willing to undertake work for the client. [D04545]
See also Bid. [D03343]
- Tender and Award Stage
That part of the project life-cycle during which construction contractors are invited to prepare and submit bids, a selection is made and contracts are awarded. See also implementation phase. [D02023]
- Tender Document
See Procurement/Tender Document. [D02024]
- Tendering
See Bidding. [D03344]
- Termination
 The discontinuation of a project, project phase, stage, activity, or person. [D00065]
See also Termination Phase [D00064]
Completion of the project, either upon formal acceptance of its deliverables by the client and/or the disposal of such deliverables at the end of their life. Editor's Note: A project may also be terminated before project completion, i.e. if it is aborted. [D04546]
Action by the owner, under the terms of the contract to end in whole or in part, the work of the contract. Termination may be for the convenience of the owner or for default by the contractor. [D05132]
- Termination for Convenience
A unilateral right of the buyer to terminate any or all of a contractual effort for any reason at any time. Editor's Note: However, there may well be costs associated with this type of termination such as the contractor's foregone profit. [D04278]
- Termination for Default
Buyer action to cancel a procurement that is not meeting contract requirements. Default relates to failure of the contractor to perform contract work within the specified time or any other provisions of the contract. [D04279]
- Termination Phase
The fourth and final phase in the generic project life cycle. Also known as Final or Closeout Phase. [D02025]
PMK87 |
- Termination Team
A project team responsible for wrapping up the administrative details of a project. [D02026]
OTOB p271-4 |
- Terminology
The technical or special terms used in, or peculiar to, a business, art, science, discipline, field, trade, or special subject. [D03345]
Webster |
- Terms of Reference ("ToR")
A specification of a team member's responsibilities and authorities within the project. [D04547]
- Test
 Any procedure designed to obtain, verify, or provide data for the evaluation of a system, service or product. [D03701]
A discipline in the software-engineering process whose purpose is to integrate and test the system. [D04781]
- Test and Evaluation ("T&E")
Measurement and evaluation of system performance compared to specifications. [D04280]
- Test Case
A set of test inputs, execution conditions, and expected results developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement. [D04885]
- Test Coverage
The degree to which a given test or set of tests addresses all specified test cases for a given system or component. [D04782]
- Test Criteria
Standards by which test results and outcomes are judged. [D03353]
- Test of Reasonableness, of a budget
Judgment whereby the base budget plus contingency will provide sufficient funds to deliver the project with an 80% level of confidence. [D06540]
Costin |
- Test Plan
 A description of the tests needed to complete a project properly. [D03354]
A document that describes the approach to all development, integration, qualification, and acceptance testing. The term "Test Plan" is usually preceded by one of the following modifiers: system, subsystem, assembly, subassembly, module, etc. Usually part of the System Engineering Management Plan. [D04281]
- Test Procedure
A test procedure is a set of detailed instructions for the set-up, execution, and evaluation of results for a given test case. [D04783]
- Test Procedures
Step by step instructions for the testing to the test plan. Defines test equipment to be used, calibration requirements, test facility requirements, and other factors. [D04282]
- Test Readiness Review ("TRR")
A series of joint Buyer/Seller control gates at which the buyer concurs that the seller is ready to conduct official "sell-off " tests during which official verification data will be produced. Each TRR is the decision point for approval to proceed with planned qualification tests or acceptance tests to verify that performance specifications have been satisfied in accordance with the verification plan. [D02027]
VPM p291-4 |
- Testing
 That element of inspection that determines the properties or elements, including functional operation of supplies or their components, by the application of established scientific principles and procedures. [D02028]
FAR 46.101 QMPP |
- Tetrad Trade-off
The graphical representation of the need to balance the objectives (or constraints) of scope, quality (grade), time and cost. [D02029]
- TF
See Total Float
- The Plan
A document or group of documents that constitutes all the plans for the project, frequently contained in a notebook or series of notebooks. [D02030]
SPM p304-9 |
- Theoretical Minimum Cost
A cost derived solely from an assessment of the cost of the work involved without taking into consideration any practical considerations such as reduced productivity due to the learning curve, normal startup and delays, and so on. [D03346]
- Theory
 A means to organize experience. [D03355]
The general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art. A belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action. A plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena. A hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation. An unproved assumption. [D03347]
Webster |
- Theory of Constraints
 A management approach that focuses on identifying and relaxing the constraints that limits an organization's ability to reach a higher level of goal attainment. [D06541]
PrjDec |
A four-step management philosophy developed by Dr. Eli Goldratt that involves:
- Identifying the system's constraints
- Working to exploit those constraints (either through strengthening the constraint or getting maximum performance out of the key constraint)
- Subordinating everything else to the above decision (given the key constraint, all operational decisions involve improving the processes as much as possible relative to this controlling constraint, e.g. a bottleneck in a production process).
- Working to elevate the constraint (improve or eliminate the bottleneck and then reexamine the system).
Once the critical constraint is eliminated, a new constraint will arise to take its place. So the process continues until the smallest level constraint is identified that can impact on the whole system. In project management, the key constraint (using TOC ideas) is the critical path of the project since it determines the length of the project and hence is the key constraint. TOC is used in the critical chain approach as an alternative to CPM or PERT for determining the length of a project by using critical resource control and application. [D04523]
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- Third Party Claim
Claims against either the owner or the contractor by persons not party to the contract. [D05133]
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