- Policies/Procedures
See Project Policies. [D01212]
- Policy
 The definitive position of an organization on a specific issue. A policy provides a basis for consistent and appropriate decision making and defines authority and accountability within the organization. [D01214]
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Directives issued by management for guidance and direction where uniformity of action is essential. Directives pertain to the approach, techniques, authorities and responsibilities for carrying out the management function. [D01213]
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The principles upon which the governance of an organization is based, or a general statement of the manner in which its business and activities are to be conducted. [D02758]
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A guiding principle, typically established by senior management, that is adopted by an organization or project to influence decisions. [D05197]
A management edict issued to guide the behavior of personnel and influence their decision making. [D05408]
- Policy Manual
A publication or document setting out the policies of the organization. [D03144]
- Policy Restraint
Someone in authority dictates the sequence in which all or some part of the work is carried out on the project. [D01215]
- Political Process
A process in which two or more people adopt a single course of action. Typically, each individual involved in a political process maintains an agenda that is different from the group's collective agenda, or from any other individual's personal agenda. It is through the political process that an individual's agenda becomes publicized (if a free press is at work), negotiated and voted on (if a democracy), or implemented without further discussion (if the individual is king). In every case, the individual engaged in a political process wants the group to adopt his or her agenda. [D05869]
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- Political Risk
A risk resulting from the actions of a government that will decrease the return of a planned foreign investment. Editor's Note: Such a risk may also stem from politically motivated opposition. [D05038]
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- Politics
 Competition for power and leadership between competing interests or groups. May be characterized by artful and sometimes dishonest practices. [D02882]
See also Political Process. [D05868]
- Pool Resource
A group of resources related by skill, department or function. [D01216]
- Population
- The set of all possible observations of a phenomenon under analysis, or
- A group of individual persons, objects, or item from which samples are taken for statistical analysis.
- Portability
Capable of being carried or moved about. Also, usable on many computers without modification. [D03145]
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- Portfolio
 See Project Portfolio. [D05685]
A group of projects or other items that are being worked on at the same time or have been completed and are used as an indicator of ability. [D01217]
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A group of projects of a common type or with a common purpose. [D05409]
The totality of an organization's investment, or segment thereof, in the Changes required to achieve its Strategic Objectives. [D06471]
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- Portfolio Balancing
In project portfolio management, the process of organizing the prioritized components into a component mix that has the best potential to collectively support and achieve strategic goals. [D06095]
- Portfolio Component
In project portfolio management, any "Work" that the organization has determined it will include in the project portfolio management process. Such "Work" may be represented by the documentation of a Value Proposition; a Business Case; a Project Charter; Execution Performance Report; or similar document describing the value of the work, its status, its risk, and required resources. [D06096]
- Portfolio Component, Potential
In project portfolio management, any "Work" that may be approved and authorized to be included in the portfolio. [D06103]
- Portfolio Management
 In project portfolio management, the centralized management of one or more portfolios that includes: setting up, identifying, selecting, prioritizing, authorizing, executing, and launching the portfolio components; and harvesting the optimum business benefits from the portfolio, and other related "Work", all consistent with the organization's strategic goals and objectives. [D06097]
The management of a number of projects that do not share a common objective. For example, the responsibility of an operations manager of a company managing several different projects for different clients. [D03452]
See Project Portfolio Management. [D05686]
A coordinated collection of strategic processes and decisions that together enable the most effective balance between Organizational Change and Business as Usual. [D06472]
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- Portfolio Management Communication Plan
In project portfolio management, a plan defining all communication needs, establishing communication requirements, specifying frequency, and identifying recipients for information associated with the portfolio management process. [D06098]
- Portfolio Management Life Cycle
In project portfolio management, a cycle of processes in the life of a portfolio the major phases of which are identification, selection, execution, harvesting the benefits and strategic change. [D06099]
- Portfolio Management Office
A part of a permanent organization to provide support, set standards and guidelines for the managers of different projects and programs, to collect project management data from the projects, to consolidate these and report to some governing body. Also usually tasked to ensure that the projects are and remain aligned to the organization's strategy and vision as determined through business case management. [D06493]
- Portfolio Management Plan
A plan setting out how a project portfolio will be organized and managed given the organization's vision, mandate, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, resources and so on. [D06339]
- Portfolio Management System ("PMS")
A system for setting the stage for enterprise wide project management during the initiation phase. The system requires all new projects across the enterprise to be proposed in a consistent fashion, chosen under the same criteria, rank ordered objectively relative to all other projects in the enterprise and stored in a single database. [D04355]
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- Portfolio Management Team
In project portfolio management, where an organization has more than one portfolio, the group of managers responsible for managing the whole portfolio of "Work". The makeup of this group depends on how the portfolios are defined or located within the organization. [D06100]
- Portfolio of Projects
See Project Portfolio [D05039]
- Portfolio Periodic Review and Reporting
In project portfolio management, the process of reviewing and reporting on the portfolio as a whole based on the performance and mix of the portfolio components, current projected cost and business value, risk level, and continuing strategic alignment. [D06101]
- Portfolio Risk
See Risk, Portfolio. [D06102]
- Positive Float
 The amount of time available to complete non-critical activities or work items without affecting the total project duration. [D01218]
The amount of time that an activity's start can be delayed without affecting the project completion date. An activity with positive float is not on the critical path and is called a non-critical activity. Most software packages calculate float time during schedule analysis. The difference between early and late dates (start or finish) determines the amount of float. [D01219]
- Post Audit
A review of a project after completion to evaluate what went correctly and incorrectly, and whether the predicted benefits were achieved. [D05040]
- Post Award Conference
The first meeting after contract award. A meeting chaired by the buyer to orient all personnel (buyer and contractor) to the project requirements. See also Contract Implementation Review and System Requirements Review. [D04176]
- Post Contract Evaluations
Objective review and analysis of the performance of both parties' performance, realistic technical problems encountered and the corrective actions taken. [D01220]
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- Post Implementation Review
 A review 6-12 months after a system has become operational to ensure that the project has met its objectives and the system continues to meet user requirements. [D03887]
A report compiled upon completion of every project, that determines if the expectations established for the project outcome were met. It documents the comparison between actual results of a project and the objectives and deliverables specified in the project's Charter. Also known as Closeout Report. Editor's Note: The "objectives and deliverables" may be specified even earlier, in the Business Case. [D05684]
- Post Project Analysis and Report
A formal analysis and documentation of the project's results including cost, schedule and technical performance versus the original plan. [D01222]
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- Post Project Appraisal
 This activity completes the Project Management process and provides feedback in order to learn for the future. A job close out/historical report will be generated and a review carried out once the project has been completed and accepted by the customer/owner. [D03888]
An evaluation that provides feedback for future use and education. [D01223]
- Post Project Evaluation
An appraisal of the costs and technical performance of a completed project and the development of new applications in project management methods to overcome problems that occurred during the project life to benefit future projects. [D01224]
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- Post Project Evaluation Review
An important review of project performance and lessons that can be derived from the project conducted once operations have started. Although often considered only after completion of the project, in practice Project Evaluation can and should be a fully integral part of the project. Similar reviews should therefore also be carried out periodically during the course of the project, with the resultant information/lessons fed back into this and other projects. [D03737]
- Post Project Review
 A formal review of the project that examines the lessons that may be learned and used for the benefit of future projects. [D03889]
An appraisal of all aspects of a project upon completion, with a view to examining and documenting variations and events, to augment the organization's historical database. [D01225]
- Post-Implementation Review
See Post-project review [D05410]
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