- Project Mandate
Information created externally to the project, which forms the terms of reference and is used to start up a PRINCE2 project. [D05448]
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- Project Manual
See Project Policies/Procedures. [D01465]
- Project Matrix
An organization matrix that is project based in which the functional structures are duplicated in each project. [D01466]
- Project Methodology
 A set of guidelines or principles that can be tailored and applied to a specific situation. In the project environment, these guidelines might range from an ordered list of things to do, to a specific approach through the entire project life span, including templates, forms and checklists in logical steps towards successful product delivery and project completion. [D05754]
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A documented process for management of projects that contains procedures, definitions and roles and responsibilities. [D01010]
A collection of methods, procedures, and standards that defines an integrated synthesis of approaches. [D05192]
- Project Metrics
 The measurable criteria that indicates the overall status or performance of a project, program, or project management practice. Can be technical, administrative, or management in nature, the data for which are collected regularly. Viewed by the organization as being necessary to gauge performance and make adjustments to processes and procedures. May include schedule performance, cost data, defect levels, customer satisfaction, employee morale, time-to-market performance, etc. [D06152]
Measures used to indicate progress or achievement of a project. [D05449]
- Project Milestone
An important or key event in the project plan. See Milestone. [D01467]
CPMUSC p176-8 |
- Project Mission Statement
A summary of the overall goal and purpose of the project, identifying the client and outlining the general approach to be followed in doing the work. [D02324]
PPS&C p36 |
- Project Mobilization
The first stage of project implementation. It is concerned with the three action themes of:
- Structuring the project organization
- Aligning the objectives and orientations of the project participants, and
- Committing to the achievement of the Project Charter.
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- Project Monitoring
Comparison of current project status with what was planned to be done to identify and report any deviations. [D04489]
- Project Network Diagram
 Any schematic display of the logical relationships of project activities. Always drawn from left to right to reflect project chronology. Often incorrectly referred to as a "PERT chart." [D01468]
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Drawn from left to right to show project chronology, a Project Network Diagram displays the logical relationships between project activities. [D01469]
- Project Network Techniques
Group of techniques that, for the description, analysis, planning and control of projects, considers the logical inter relationships of all
project activities The group includes techniques concerned with time, resources, costs and other influencing factors, e.g. uncertainty.
Editor's Note: The terms "program evaluation and review technique" (PERT), "critical path analysis" (CPA), "critical path method" (CPM) and
"precedence method" refer to particular techniques and should not be used as synonyms for project network. [D04490]
- Project Objective
 Required total result or effect of a project. (See Project Goal.) [D01470]
- Project Objectives
Project scope expressed in terms of outputs, required resources and timing. [D01471]
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- Project Office
 A part of the organization of a large project to support the project management team. [D06497]
IPMA p15 |
A designated location where the administrative work of the project is conducted and the project management skills (resources) such as cost accounting, estimating, scheduling, public relations, etc. are retained. Usually only economically possible on large projects. On smaller projects, lesser resources are sometimes included in a "War Room". [D03196]
A group within an organization responsible for supply, support, and internal consulting to ensure that projects are carried out consistently and successfully in accordance with company strategies. Editor's Note: This definition should more properly be titled "Program Office". [D04354]
The aggregate of individuals assigned the primary responsibility for software acquisition in the contracted effort. A project office may vary in size from a single individual assigned part time to a large organization assigned full time. [D05206]
An organizational entity established to assist project managers throughout the organization in implementing project management principles, practices, methodologies, tools, and techniques. In most implementations, the project office is a support function and is not responsible for project execution. Its main objective is implementing an effective project management practice throughout the organization. Also known as Center of Excellence or Center of Expertise. Editor's Note: This definition is particularly applicable where the majority of projects are in Information Technology. [D06153]
The physical premises within which the project team reside. [D06154]
- Project Operating Budget
The amount of money available to do the work planned for the project, sometimes called performance budget. It includes only the things that are planned for; it does not include the contingency budget, or any management reserve budget. [D05825]
Q&A p198 |
- Project Organization
 The orderly structuring of project participants. [D01474]
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A temporary organization created for the purpose of carrying through a project. [D01472]
The form of organization in which all or nearly all the people working on a project report to the project manager. [D01473]
SPM p304-9 |
The way the organization is configured structurally. The type of organization in which, and by which, a project is managed and which should be appropriate to the project's Key Performance Indicators and Critical Success Factors. The form of organization will strongly influence the way project management is to be applied. [D03752]
The structure, roles and responsibilities of the project team and its interfaces to the outside word. [D03922]
A structure that is created or evolves to serve the project and its participants, and refers to the roles and responsibilities of the
project team and its interfaces to the outside world. [D04491]
A unique and temporary structure of competent people, together with associated infrastructure, having an arrangement of authority, relationships, roles and responsibilities aligned to the project's functional processes. [D06498]
IPMA p50 |
- Project Organization Chart
See Organization Chart. [D05697]
- Project Oriented
Typically organizations who have a predisposition to use projects as their corporate business approach, or are otherwise heavily involved on project work, or to individuals who are familiar with project management tools and techniques and are comfortable with their use. [D03197]
- Project Outcomes
A result or consequence of the project activity. [D05698]
- Project Output
Quantified result of a project. [D01475]
- Project Performance
The direct results of intended actions within the project setting. [D05077]
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- Project Performance Review
 A systematic, neutral, evidence-based rapid assessment of the performance of a project. [D06155]
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A review of a project by experienced people, independent of the project team, on behalf of the project sponsor. The purpose is to assure that the project is justified, the procurement strategy sound and that the implementation is carried out so as to provide value for money. [D06156]
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- Project Personnel
Those members of a project team employed directly by the organization responsible for a project. [D01476]
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- Project Phase
 The division of a project time frame (or project life cycle) into the largest logical collection of related activities. [D01480]
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A collection of logically related project activities, usually culminating in the completion of a major deliverable. [D01477]
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A group of related project activities that come together with the completion of a deliverable. [D01478]
Part of project work limited in time. [D01479]
A major logical grouping of work on a project. A phase also represents the completion of a major deliverable or set of related deliverables. On an IT development project logical phases might be planning, analysis, design, construct (including testing) and implementation. [D05078]
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A discrete time period of the project sequence, clearly separate from other such periods, though in some projects they may be arranged to overlap to some degree, e.g. "fast tracking". Phases have defined objectives and may have specified time limits. Different phase models may be used for different kinds of projects. Milestones can be used to work towards specific targets or phase limits or intervals in between. [D06499]
IPMA p60 |
- Project Plan
 A high-level plan showing the major products of the project, when they will be delivered and at what cost. An initial project plan is presented as part of the project initiation document. This is revised as information on actual progress appears. It is a major control document for the project board to measure actual progress against expectations. [D05450]
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A document for management purposes that gives the basics of a project in terms of its objectives, justification, and how the objectives are to be achieved. This document is used as a record of decisions and a means of communication among stakeholders. [D01481]
A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, to facilitate communication among stakeholders, and to document approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines. [D01482]
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The entire plan for a project, consisting of the work breakdown structure, network diagram, and task budgets, but sometimes taken to mean only the network diagram. [D01483]
SPM p304-9 |
A management summary document that gives the essentials of a project in terms of its objectives, justification, and how the objectives are to be achieved. It should describe how all the major activities under each project management function are to be accomplished, including that of overall project control. The project plan will evolve through successive stages of the project life cycle. Prior to project implementation, for example, it may be referred to as a Project Brief. See also Baseline, Baseline Concept and Project Charter. [D01484]
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The overall plan for accomplishing the project. Includes Study Period Plan, Acquisition Plan, Source Selection Plan, System Engineering Management Plan, Implementation Plan, Verification and Validation Plan, Deployment Plan, Operations Plan, etc. [D04198]
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