- Replacement Value
The amount equal to the cost of replacing an item with a new one rather than the depreciated value of the existing one. [D03234]
- Replan
Schedule or resource adjustments to meet contract milestones. Replanning does not imply re-baselining. [D04215]
- Replanning
 A change in the original plan for accomplishing authorized contractual requirements. There are two types of replanning effort:
- Internal Replanning - A change in the original plan that remains within the scope of the authorized contract, caused by a need to compensate for cost, schedule, or technical problems which have made the original plan unrealistic;
- External Replanning - Customer-directed changes to the contract in the form of a change order that calls for a modification in the original plan.
Actions performed for any remaining effort within project scope. Often the cost and/or schedule variances are zeroed out at this time for history items. [D01631]
- Report
 A written record or summary. A detailed account or statement. A verbal account. [D03235]
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An automatically generated description, describing one or several artifacts. A report is not an artifact in itself. A report is in most cases a transitory product of the development process, and a vehicle to communicate certain aspects of the evolving system; it is a snapshot description of artifacts that are not documents themselves. [D04759]
- Report Specification File
A set of codified instructions, which defines the layout of a report. [D01632]
- Reporting
 A statement of information and its communication covering the status of the work on a project and forecast of developments up to the end of the project. Reporting may also include financial audits and reviews. The status is determined by comparison with the original project baseline, the corresponding project success criteria or prescribed key success indicators, and the information requirements of respective interested parties. [D06513]
Planning activity involved with the development and issuance of (internal) time management analysis reports and (external) progress reports. [D01633]
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- Reporting by Responsibility
The separation of management action reports by responsibility areas or cost centers so that managers only get information on that element over which they have control. See also Management by Exception. [D03086]
- Repository
A storage place for object models, interfaces, and implementations. [D04760]
- Re-profiling
In resource scheduling it is possible to indicate that the specified resource requirement profile may be modified to fit the availability, without changing the total amount required. [D01634]
- Reprogramming
A comprehensive replanning of the effort remaining in the contract resulting in a revised total allocated budget which may exceed the current contract budget base. Reprogramming is normally another term for "overrun." [D04654]
- Reputation
The estimation in which one is held. Overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general. Recognition by other people of some characteristic or ability. A place in public esteem or regard, e.g. one's "good name". [D03236]
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- Request for Appropriation ("RFA")
See Capital Appropriation Request. [D01635]
- Request for Change ("RFC")
 A buyer or seller request to spend contract funds on an engineering change proposal for a change. The request states the technical or contractual issue being addressed, the impact on or benefit to the project, and an assessment of the cost and schedule impact. [D04216]
A proposal by the project manager for a change to the project as a result of a project issue report. [D01636]
A means of proposing a modification to the current specification of a product. It is one type of project issue. [D05471]
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- Request for Information
 A formal inquiry in the market place for information, typically concerning "Expressions of Interest", capacity, capability and availability of contractors to undertake and bid on work described in the solicitation. [D03237]
A buyer's request for seller information concerning the seller's business and/or project capability. [D05472]
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A document that is issued to potential suppliers to enable them to provide summarized information describing how they will meet the procurement requirements of a project. [D06203]
- Request for Proposal ("RFP")
 A formal invitation containing a scope of work which seeks a formal response (proposal) describing both methodology and compensation to form the basis of a contract. [D01640]
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A document prepared by the customer to solicit proposals from potential providers. The Request For Proposal consists of a Solicitation Letter, Instructions to Bidders, Evaluation Criteria, Statement of Work, and a System Specification. The provider issues an RFP to potential subcontractors. [D01637]
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A bid document used to solicit proposals from prospective sellers of products or services. [D01638]
A document issued by one organization to another organization (or to several other organizations) describing work that the issuer wishes to have undertaken by the recipient(s) and inviting the recipient(s) to respond with a proposal. [D01639]
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A solicitation for offers under negotiation procedures. [D03559]
- Request for Quotation ("RFQ")
 A formal invitation to submit a price for goods and/or services as specified. [D01641]
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Equivalent to a Request for Proposal but with more specific application areas. [D01642]
Similar to a request for proposal, except that the desired items to be procured are stock or catalog items, and only price and delivery time need be proposed. [D01643]
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- Request for Quotations
A solicitation for quotes. Commonly used under simplified acquisition procedures. [D03560]
- Requirement
A description of a condition or capability to which a system must conform; either derived directly from user needs, or stated in a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed document. [D04875]
- Requirement Attribute
Information associated with a particular requirement providing a link between the requirement and other project elements. For example, priorities, schedules, status, design elements, resources, costs, hazards. [D04876]
- Requirement Specification
Description of desired results. [D01644]
- Requirement Type
A categorization of requirements - for example, stakeholder need, feature, use case, supplementary requirement, test requirement, documentation requirement, hardware requirement, software requirement, and so on - based on common characteristics and attributes. See Concept: Types of Requirements. [D04764]
- Requirements
 Needs or necessities; something demanded or obligatory.
For clarification purposes, a clarifier should always precede requirements; that is, user requirements, system requirements, operational requirements, contract requirements, test requirements, etc. [D04218]
See Needs. [D01645]
A negotiated set of measurable customer wants and needs. [D01646]
A discipline in the software-engineering process, whose purpose is to define what the system should do. The most significant activities are to develop a vision, a use-case model, and software requirements specifications. [D04761]
A description of how a product or service should act, appear or perform. [D06204]
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- Requirements Analysis
A process of evaluating the customer's stated needs and validating them against specific organizational requirements and plans. [D06205]
- Requirements Definition
Statement of the needs that a project has to satisfy. [D04498]
- Requirements Flowdown
The process of deriving and allocating requirements to all levels of system decomposition. [D04219]
- Requirements Management
 A systematic approach to eliciting, organizing and documenting the requirements of the system, and establishing and maintaining agreement between the customer and the project team on the changing requirements of the system. [D04762]
The process of exercising some control over the project scope to avoid scope creep, based on stakeholder needs rather than nice-to-haves. [D03238]
The process of defining the user/customer requirements and building the system requirements before going on to develop the performance specifications in detail. Requirements should be comprehensive and clear, well structured, traceable and testable. They should give rise to clearly specified project deliverables and should be tested against the original set of requirements. Any changes to the initial requirements should be traceable i.e. documented and explainable. [D03762]
- Requirements of Society
 Requirements including laws, statutes, rules and regulations, codes, environmental considerations, health and safety factors, and conservation of energy and materials. [D01647]
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- Requirements Traceability
The management of the parent/child relationships of all system requirements. [D04220]
- Requirements Traceability Matrix
A document that maps the parent-child relationships of requirements. [D04221]
- Requirements Tracing
The linking of a requirement to other requirements and to other associated project elements. [D04763]
- Requirements Workflow
A discipline in the software engineering process whose purpose is to define what the system should do. The most significant activity is to develop a use-case model. [D04792]
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