See Not Invented Here
- No Cost Settlement
Termination of a contract with no monetary awards to either the buyer or the contractor. [D04153]
- Node
 The start and end of activities in an activity on arrow network or the activity box in a precedence network. [D03875]
One of the defining points of a network; a junction point joined to some or all of the other dependency lines. See also Arrow Diagramming Method and Precedence Diagramming Method. [D01081]
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The beginning or end of an activity or the activity itself if using AON notation. [D01082]
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In CPM networks, a point when all activities leading up to an event have been completed and when all activities leaving the event may start. Nodes are junction points in the network. [D01080]
A node is classifier that represents a run-time computational resource, which generally has at least a memory and often processing capability. Run-time objects and components may reside on nodes. [D04859]
- Nominal Group Technique
A specific structured process of team brainstorming and creative problem solving that draws on individual and group strengths but prevents domination by any one individual. Consists of five separate steps:
- Silent generation: individual team members write responses to a problem statement in silence
- Round Robin: each team member recites his or her responses, which are written on a flip chart
- Clarification: the group discusses the remarks
- Selection and ranking: each team member selects and ranks in priority order the top 3 to 10 ideas collected, and
- Final selection and ranking: the facilitator tallies the results and prepares the group's ranked set of ideas.
- Non-binding Arbitration
Arbitration in which the parties are not legally bound to the decision of the arbitrator. [D06067]
- Non-Conformance
 The failure of a unit of product to conform to specified requirements for any quality characteristic. [D01084]
A deficiency in characteristics, documentation or procedure that renders the quality of material/service unacceptable or indeterminate. [D01083]
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- Nonconformity
The non-fulfillment of specified requirements. [D01085]
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- Non-Critical Activities or Work Items
Those activities or work items that have positive float (i.e. within defined limits, can take longer to complete than is planned without affecting the total project duration.) [D01086]
- Non-Destructive Testing
A method of testing which does not destroy or alter the item being tested. [D05030]
- Non-disclosure Agreement
A legally binding document in which an organization promises to use another's proprietary data only for specific purposes and not to reveal or disclose these data to any other organization or individual. [D06068]
- Non-Excusable Delays
Delays that are caused by the contractor's or its subcontractor's actions or inactions. Consequently, the contractor is not entitled to a time extension or delay damages. On the other hand, the owner may be entitled to liquidated or other damages. See also Excusable Delays; Excusable Compensable Delays; Excusable Non-Compensable Delays; and Concurrent Delays. [D03425]
- Non-Profit
Term refers to organizations that exist for purposes other than making a profit. [D03037]
- Non-recurring Cost
A project-incurred cost that is not expected to recur on any future work. [D06069]
- Non-Recurring Costs
 Those costs that are generally incurred on a one-time basis and include such costs as plant or equipment relocation, plant rearrangement, special tooling, special test equipment, preproduction engineering, initial spoilage and rework, and specialized work force training. [D03532]
Costs expenditures against specific tasks that are expected to occur only once on a given program. Examples are such items as preliminary design effort, qualifications testing, initial tooling, and planning. [D01087]
- Non-Splittable Activity
An activity that, once started, has to be completed to plan without interruption.
Note: Resources should not be diverted from a non-splittable activity to another activity. [D04464]
- Nonverbal Communication
 Verbal exchanges account for only a fraction of the messages people send and receive. Research has shown that between 70 and 90 percent of the entire communication spectrum is nonverbal, including:
Involving minimal use of the spoken language, e.g. gestures, facial expressions, and verbal fragments that communicate emotions without the use of words; sometimes known as body language. [D01088]
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- Non-Work Unit
A calendar unit during which work may not be performed on an activity, such as weekends and holidays. [D01089]
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- Normal Distribution
See Normal Probability Distribution. [D03534]
- Normal Inspection
Inspection, under a sampling plan, which is used when there is no evidence that the quality of the product being submitted is better or poorer than the specified quality level. [D01090]
- Normal Operation
See Operation [D01091]
- Normal Probability Distribution
The continuous distribution most commonly used in statistics to make inferences about a population from sample data. [D03535]
- Normative Decision Theory
A branch of decision theory that describes how people should make decisions. See also Descriptive Decision Theory. [D06459]
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- Norming
The third stage in team building where conflicts are largely settled and a group identity starts to emerge. [D03876]
- Not Applicable ("N/A")
A contract term used to indicate that a standard clause or phrase does not apply. [D04155]
- Not Earlier Than
A restriction on an activity that indicates that it may not start or end earlier than a specified date. [D01092]
- Not Invented Here ("NIH")
An attitude that prevents consideration of ideas of others because of personal pride, ego, or other bias. [D04156]
- Not Later Than
 A restriction on an activity that indicates that it may not start or end later than a specified date. [D01093]
- Not to Exceed ("NTE")
A cost or schedule estimating term that defines the highest realistic estimate. [D04157]
- Notice Of Change
See Change Order. [D01094]
- Notice of Termination
A written notice to the contractor that the contract is being terminated for convenience or default. [D03536]
- Notice to Proceed
Formal notification to the supplier, requesting the start of the work. [D01095]
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- Notional Estimate
An estimate of cost based on one or a few provisional and untested performance or capacity parameters, whose value is summarily guesstimated from prior experience. [D06460]
Costin |
See Net Present Value
See Not to Exceed
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