- Configuration Audit
 A check to ensure that all deliverable items on a project conform with one another and to the current specification. It ensures that relevant quality assurance procedures have been implemented and that there is consistency throughout project documentation.
A comparison of the latest version number and status of all products shown in the configuration library records against the information held by the product authors. [D05288]
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- Configuration Breakdown
The separation of configuration items into logical groupings. [D02515]
- Configuration Control
 The systematic evaluation, coordination, and approval or disapproval of all changes subsequent to establishing the baseline configuration. [D02517]
A system of procedures that monitors emerging project scope against the scope baseline. Requires documentation and management approval on any change to the baseline. [D00279]
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The management of engineering change. [D04949]
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The physical control of receipt and issue of products, keeping track of product status, protecting finished products and controlling any changes to them. [D05769]
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The process of maintaining the baseline identification and monitoring of all changes to that baseline. Prevents unnecessary or marginal changes to the project scope while expediting the approval and implementation of changes that are considered needed or that offer significant project benefits. [D05944]
- Configuration Control Board
A board established to approve all proposed changes to an approved baseline. [D04036]
- Configuration Identification
Identifies uniquely all items within the configuration.
- Configuration Item ("CI")
 A hardware, software, or composite item at any level in the system hierarchy designated for configuration management.
Configuration Items have four common characteristics:
- Defined functionality
- Replaceable as an entity
- Unique specification
- Formal control of form, fit and functionality.
Each CI should have an identified manager and may have CI-unique design reviews, qualification certification, acceptance reviews, and operator and maintenance manuals.
A component of a configuration that has a defined function and is designated for configuration management. [D03814]
An entity in a configuration that satisfies an end-use function and can be uniquely identified at a given reference point. (ISO) [D04814]
- Configuration Item Acceptance Review
The acceptance of a CI by the system integrator that authorizes the CI to be integrated into the system for further verification testing and system acceptance. [D04038]
- Configuration Item Verification
Proving compliance with the CI "Design-to" specification using test, demonstration, analysis, and inspection. [D04039]
- Configuration Item Verification Procedures
Detailed step-by-step instructions for the setup, operation, and evaluation of tests, inspections, demonstration, or analysis to be used for CI verification. [D04040]
- Configuration Librarian
The central focus for maintaining configuration records and documenting project issues. [D05289]
PRNC2 2002 |
- Configuration Management
 Technical and administrative activities concerned with the creation, maintenance and controlled change of configuration throughout the
life of the product.
Note: See BS EN ISO 10007 for guidance on configuration management, including specialist terminology. [D04575]
A management discipline that applies technical and administrative direction to the development, production and support life cycle of a configuration item. This discipline is applicable to hardware, software, processed materials, services and related technical documentation. CM is an integral part of life-cycle management. [D00280]
Management of the methods used to control the software and hardware being developed; often used interchangeably with change control. [D00281]
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The process to:
The process of defining the configuration items in a system, controlling the release and change of those items throughout the project, recording and reporting the status of configuration items, and verifying the completeness of configuration items. [D00282]
A procedure for applying technical and administrative direction and supervision to:
- Identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of an item or system
- Control any changes to such characteristics
- Record and report the change, process, and implementation status
- Audit the items and system to verify conformance to contractual requirements
The CM process must be carefully tailored to the capacity, size, scope, nature and complexity of the system involved, and its phase in the project life cycle. [D02289]
The process of designing, making and assembling the components of a project's deliverable in order to achieve the required functionality. [D02622]
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The process of ensuring that the project delivers everything it is supposed to, i.e. physical products and assets, quality products, documentation, deliverables etc, such that there is complete assurance on delivery integrity. It is particularly concerned with managing the status of pending and approved changes to the project deliverables and with managing the information that define the configuration status. It is closely related to Change Control. [D03429]
A supporting process whose purpose is to identify, define, and baseline items; control modifications and releases of these items; report and record status of the items and modification requests; ensure completeness, consistency and correctness of the items; and control storage, handling and delivery of the items. (ISO) [D04708]
A discipline, normally supported by software tools, that gives management precise control over its assets (for example, the products of a project), covering planning, identification, control, status accounting and verification of the products. [D05290]
PRNC2 2002 |
- Configuration Management Board
The authoritative committee of qualified senior representatives responsible for configuration control. [D02516]
- Configuration Management System
A methodical approach to Configuration Management to attain consistency. [D05620]
- Configuration Relationships
The technical description of the interfaces between configuration items. [D02518]
- Configuration Status Account
A report on the status of products. The required products can be specified by identifier or the part of the project in which they were developed. [D05291]
PRNC2 2002 |
- Configuration Status Accounting
Records and reports the current status and history of all changes to the configuration. Provides a complete record of what happened to the configuration to date.
- Conflict
 Two or more parties having differing interests or perspectives that require resolution to achieve project goals. [D02519]
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The state that exists when two groups have goals that will affect each other differently. [D02520]
Disagreement, struggle for superiority, competitive encounter, disharmony or interference between parts. [D05292]
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- Conflict Management
 The art of managing conflict creatively and productively. This art channels these conflicts so that the result is positive and preferably synergistic, rather than destructive. [D03430]
The ability to manage conflict effectively. [D00283]
The process by which the project manager uses appropriate managerial techniques to deal with the inevitable disagreements, both technical and personal in nature, that develop among those working toward project accomplishment. [D00284]
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Handling of conflicts between project participants or groups in order to create optimal project results. [D00285]
The art of managing conflict effectively. Nearly all projects encounter conflict. It occurs at all levels largely because there are so many different parties working together each with their own aims. Also, people come together who often barely know each other and yet are asked to work together under pressure. The art of conflict management is to channel conflicts so that the result is positive rather than destructive. [D03815]
- Conflict Resolution
To seek a solution to a problem, five methods in particular have been proven through confrontation, compromise, smoothing, forcing and withdrawal. [D00286]
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- Conformance
 Concurrence between actual and expected. [D05293]
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The condition that exists when an implementation of a component fully adheres to a given interface standard. [D05294]
- Conformance to Requirements
When a product meets all aspects of its specification, it is said to be in Conformance to Requirements. [D02521]
- Confrontation
Where two parties work together toward a solution of the problem. [D00287]
PMK87 |
- Consensus
 A group decision rooted on open and thorough discussion until all parties agree that they can live with and actively support the outcome. Editor's Note: This definition implies that every person in the discussion is 90-100% in agreement with all the details, and will support the group decision 100%. [D05295]
In project team decision-making, full agreement within the group of a course of action including all its details. This approach requires negotiation within the group of all the precise details. While leading to a higher level of 'buy-in', the result tends to be equivalent to the 'lowest common denominator'. Negotiations may be protracted and the final course not necessarily optimal and in the best interests of the project's goals. (See also Consent.) [D00288]
- Consensus Decision Process
Group decisions resulting from members engaging in full and open discussion and then reaching consensus to live with and openly support the resulting decision. [D04042]
- Consent
 In project team decision-making, acquiescence or agreement to a course of action commonly characterized by comfort with the general direction though not necessarily with all the specific details. In project decision-making, consent is considered a more practical approach than consensus. (See also Consensus.) Editor's Note: Consent implies that all those present in the discussion are at least 70% comfortable with the direction and will support the decision 100%. [D00289]
To agree, concur, abide by. [D05296]
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