- Inspection by Attributes
Inspection whereby either the unit of product or characteristics thereof, is classified simply as defective or non-defective, or the number of defects in the unit of product is counted, with respect to a given requirement. [D00840]
- Inspection by Variables
Inspection wherein certain quality characteristics of sample are evaluated with respect to a continuous numerical scale and expressed as precise points along this scale. Variables inspection records the degree of conformance or non-conformance of the unit with specified requirements for the quality characteristics involved. [D00841]
- Inspection Cyclical
A system whereby supplies and equipment in storage are subjected to, but not limited to, periodic, and special inspection and continuous action to assure that material is maintained in a ready for issue condition. [D00842]
- Inspection In-Process
Inspection which is performed during the manufacturing or repair cycle in an effort to prevent defectives from occurring and to inspect the characteristics and attributes which are not capable of being inspected at final inspection. [D00843]
- Inspection Level
An indication of the relative sample size for a given amount of product. [D00844]
- Inspection Record
Recorded data concerning the results of inspection action. [D00845]
- Inspection Requirements
The specific requirements that have been specified or laid down for purposes of conducting a particular inspection. [D02863]
- Inspection System Requirement
A requirement to establish and maintain an inspection system in accordance with government specification, MIL445208. The requirement is referenced in contracts when technical requirements are such as to require control of quality by in-process as well as final, end item inspection. [D00846]
- Inspection Tightened
Inspection under a sampling plan using the same quality level as for normal inspection, but requiring more stringent acceptance criteria. [D00847]
- Inspection, Original
First inspection of a particular quantity of product as distinguished from the inspection of product which has been resubmitted after prior rejection. [D00848]
- Inspection, Quality Conformance
All examinations and tests performed on items or services for the purpose of determining conformance with specified requirements. [D00839]
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- Installation
Something put in place, or the process of putting in place, whether by assembly, construction, or setup, etc. [D02864]
- Instance
An individual entity satisfying the description of a class or type. [D04844]
- Institution
An established society or organized body for promoting some public or social purpose, typically associated with the professions. [D02865]
- Institutional Structure
The formal and acknowledged hierarchy within an organization. [D02866]
- Institutionalization
The building of infrastructure and corporate culture that supports methods, practices, and procedures so that they are the ongoing way of doing business, even after those who originally defined them are gone. [D05185]
- Instruction
See Field Clarification. [D00850]
- Instrumentation
The application of instruments (or metrics) for observation, measurement, or control. [D05186]
- Instruments
A term used to refer to the tools used for certain types of work, which may be physical such as those used in surveying, or notional such as used in establishing law. [D02867]
- Insurable
Something that can be covered by insurance. [D02868]
- Insurable Risk
A particular type of risk which can be covered by an insurance policy. [D00851]
- Insurance
 A contract which provides that for a stipulated consideration, one party undertakes to indemnify another against loss, damage, or liability arising from an unknown or contingent event. [D03516]
A contract by which a person or company can, upon payment of a premium, be indemnified against loss due to specified risks [D02869]
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- Intangible Capital
The market value of the knowledge, brands, relationships, skills, etc. possessed by an organization. Also known as Intangible Assets. [D02634]
- Integral
Essential to the whole so that the whole lacks nothing that properly belongs to it. [D05661]
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- Integrate
To make into a whole by bringing all parts together. [D05187]
- Integrated
United into a larger unit. Brought together to form a satisfactory and working whole. [D02870]
- Integrated Baseline Review ("IBR")
 A joint PM/Customer review to understand and assess the adequacy, accuracy, and risks of a performance measurement baseline with respect to the work scope, schedule, technical requirements, and resource availability. [D05003]
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The newest form of the Department of Defense C/SCSC verification review process in which the technical staff lead the effort to verify that the entire project baseline is in place, together with a realistic budget to accomplish all planned work. [D00852]
- Integrated Change Control
Coordinating changes across the entire project. [D05568]
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- Integrated Cost/Schedule Reporting
 See Earned Value. [D00853]
The development of reports that measure actual versus budget, "S curves", BCWS, BCWP and ACWP. [D00854]
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- Integrated Logistics Support ("ILS")
 A disciplined approach to activities necessary to:
- Cause support considerations to be integrated into product design
- Develop support arrangements that are consistently related to design and to each other, and
- Provide the necessary support at the beginning and during customer use at optimum cost.
A composite of all the support considerations necessary to assure the effective and economical support of a system for its life cycle. [D03633]
A composite of all support necessary for effective and economical support of a system over its life cycle. Includes:
- Integrated Product Development Team ("IPDT")
The development of new products with use of multi-functional teams, who work in unison form the conceptual idea until completion of the product. Integrated product development teams are best contrasted with the traditional form of sequential functional development. Another term for IPDT is Concurrent Engineering. [D00855]
- Integrated Product Team ("IPT")
An interdisciplinary team composed of representatives from appropriate functional disciplines working together to build successful programs, identify and resolve issues, and make sound and timely recommendations to facilitate decision making. [D05375]
- Integrated Program Management
See Program Management. [D02871]
- Integrated Project Progress Report
Documentation that measures actual (cost/schedule) vs. budget by utilizing BCWP, BCWS, ACWP. [D00856]
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- Integrated Services
A variety of related services made available under one management. [D02873]
- Integration
 The process of bringing together to make whole or complete. [D06434]
A way of terminating a project by bringing project team members back into the organization and distributing project results and outcomes among existing functions. [D00857]
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The process of bringing people, activities and other things together to perform effectively. [D00858]
The successive combining and testing of system hardware assemblies, software components, and operator tasks to progressively prove the performance and compatibility of all components of the system. [D04119]
The software development activity in which separate software components are combined into an executable whole. [D04736]
- Integration Build Plan
Defines the order in which components are to be implemented and integrated in a specific iteration. Enclosed in the Iteration Plan. [D04737]
- Integration Management
See Project Integration Management. [D06009]
- Integration of Activities
Unification of activities into an effective, efficient and non-conflicting comprehensive effort. [D02874]
- Integrative Management
A management approach and style that unifies rather than segregates. [D02875]
- Integrity
 In dealings between parties, firm adherence to a code of moral values including completeness, honesty, honor, forthrightness, straightforwardness and entirety. [D04364]
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A value that requires us to conduct ourselves in an honest, truthful and straightforward way in all our relationships, both internally and externally, and with colleagues and customers. [D06010]
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