- Business Analyst, financial
A professional with the training and aptitude to investigate the profitability of project proposals, and who can assist in preparing a comprehensive project financing plan. [D06375]
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- Business Appraisal
The formal evaluation of the activities of an enterprise in terms of appropriateness, cost-effectiveness, efficiency, etc. [D02432]
- Business Area
 The part of the organization containing the business operations affected by a Program . [D03804]
A general term used to refer to that part of an organization containing the business operations affected by a program. Business areas may or may not coincide with current organizational units. A business area may cover all the operations of a small organization, but in a larger organization it may be preferable to identify and manage change in several business areas separately. [D04932]
- Business as Usual
All the activities and processes that the organization undertakes in order to run its business on a day-to-day basis. [D06376]
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- Business Assurance
 Verification that actual costs and elapsed time is in line with plan costs and schedule times and that the business case remains viable. [D00191]
The responsibility of planning, monitoring and reporting on a project's co-ordination business assurance aspects e.g. costs, elapsed time and business case viability, and carried out by the Business Assurance Coordinator (BAC), within the Project Assurance Team (PAT) of a PRINCE project. [D04933]
- Business Assurance Coordinator
A person in the project assurance team who is responsible for planning, monitoring and reporting on all business assurance aspects of a project. [D00192]
- Business Case
 A document which provides justification for the commitment of resources to a Project or Program. [D03805]
 In project portfolio management, a project justification document that describes:
- The opportunity or problem to be solved
- The resulting deliverables
- The measurable benefits to be expected
- The level of predictability of the entire exercise (risks)
- An outline plan for development, deployment, and tracking of benefits realized, and
- The level of stakeholder or business unit commitment
A document that defines why the project is required and what the change is to be.
Note 1: It should include an outline of the project's objectives, deliverables, time, cost, technical, safety, quality and other performance requirements, and the major project risks and upside opportunities. It might also include information on the competitive impact, resource requirements, organizational impacts, key performance indicators and critical success factors of the project and its outcome.
Note 2: The Business Case should be "owned" by the project's sponsor, the person responsible for defining and developing the project against the business case. [D03428]
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A document developed towards the end of Phase 1 - Concept, to establish the merits and desirability of the project and justification for further project definition (Project Phase 2). Editor's Note: A Business Case is also known as a Business Analysis; A Project Analysis; A Business Model; or the result of a Feasibility or a Feasibility Study. [D00193]
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Information necessary to enable approval, authorization and policy making bodies to assess a project proposal and reach a reasoned decision. [D04573]
The section of the program definition statement which provides the justification for the commitment of resources to a program. The business case should demonstrate that the most cost-effective combination of projects has been selected when compared with costed alternatives. It also provides the wider context and justification for infrastructure investment and costs of implementing policies and standards. [D04934]
A description of the reasons and the justification for undertaking the project based on its estimated costs, the risks involved and the expected business benefits and savings. The Business Case should cover the entire scope of the change to the business that is affected by the project. [D05268]
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The end scenario that describes the justification for the project in economic terms. Usually includes the opportunity, market, competition, market penetration expected, cost and time to breakeven, profit expectations, follow-on opportunities, etc. [D05269]
In project portfolio management, a key document in the early life of a project or program that describes the reasons and the justification for its undertaking based on its estimated costs, the risks involved and the expected future business benefits and value. It provides the basis for selection and authorization of further expenditure of resources. [D05910]
The document used to justify investment in change. It should describe and value the expected benefits, specify the costs covering enablers and business changes and include a map of how the change is expected to realize the benefits. [D05912]
The justification for an organizational activity (strategic, program, project or operational) that typically contains costs, benefits, risks and timescales and against which continuing viability is tested. [D05913]
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A document, based on an economic feasibility study, describing the benefits of a proposed initiative and used to justify authorization of further work. [D06334]
- Business Case Management
The manner in which a program's rationale, objectives, benefits and risks are balanced against the financial investment, and this balance maintained, adjusted and assessed during the program. [D05914]
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- Business Change
A change that occurs within the business/operational environment, often a new way of working or a new business state, that may use a new enabler. [D05915]
- Business Change Manager
 The role responsible for benefits management, from identification through to realization and ensuring the implementation and embedding of the new capabilities delivered by the projects. Typically allocated to more than one individual. See also: Change Agent. [D05916]
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A role in the Program Executive. The BCM is responsible for maximizing the improvement to business operations through benefits management, for drawing up the program's business case, for transition planning and the management of change, and for the management of risk. [D04935]
- Business Creation
To perform business engineering where the goal is to create a new business process, a new line of business or a new organization. [D04692]
- Business Drivers
See Business Case. [D05614]
- Business Engineering
A set of techniques a company uses to design its business according to specific goals. Business engineering techniques can be used for both business reengineering, business improvement, and business creation. [D04693]
- Business Goals
See Business Case. [D05615]
- Business Imperative
A document that articulates the business reasons for the project, including tangible and intangible benefits. [D02237]
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- Business Improvement
To perform business engineering where the work of change is local and does not span the entire business. It involves trimming costs and lead times and monitoring service and quality. [D04694]
- Business Manager
The person responsible for managing the project's business functions such as contracting, subcontracting, planning, scheduling, budgeting, data management, human resources, legal, etc. [D04012]
- Business Modeling
Encompasses all modeling techniques you can use to visually model a business. These are a subset of the techniques you may use to perform business engineering. [D04695]
- Business Needs
The requirements of an enterprise to meet its goals and objectives. [D02433]
- Business Objectives
The mission or goals of an enterprise described at the next level of detail. [D02434]
- Business Operations
Groupings of one or more business processes which combine to achieve a primary goal of the organization (for security benefit). [D04936]
- Business Owner
The main customers of the project who are responsible for using the project's outputs and realizing the agreed project outcomes/benefits. [D05270]
- Business Plan
A narrative description of how the organization plans to achieve its stated objectives, typically for the ensuing year. [D05917]
- Business Planning Process
The development of a Business Plan through the following typical steps: idea generation; a scan of the working environment; justification and analysis; preparation of a more detailed action plan; preparation and approval of the Business Plan document; and review, evaluation and control. [D05918]
- Business Process
A group of logically related activities that use the resources of the organization to provide defined results in support of the organization's objectives. In the Rational Unified Process, we define business processes using business use cases, which show the expected behavior of the business, and business use-case realizations, which show how that behavior is realized by business workers and business entities. See also process. [D04696]
- Business Process Engineering
See business engineering. [D04697]
- Business Process Reengineering ("BPR")
 A methodology and approach by which the business process of an organization is analyzed and its functionality improved, generally for greater efficiency, consistency, competitiveness, and/or profitability. [D04937]
To perform business engineering where the work of change includes taking a comprehensive view of the entire existing business and think through why you do what you do. You question all existing business processes and try to find completely new ways of reconstructing them to achieve radical improvements. Other names for this are business process reengineering (BPR) and process innovation. [D04698]
- Business Processes
The systematic activities by which an enterprise conducts its affairs. [D02435]
- Business Risk
 The potential to fail in achieving business objectives/benefits. [D05919]
The inherent chances for both profit or loss associated with a particular endeavor. [D00195]
- Business Rule
A declaration of policy or condition that must be satisfied within the business. [D04808]
- Business Transition Plan
See Transition Plan. [D04938]
- Business Unit
 An entire business, or a relatively autonomous division of an entire business containing the necessary organizational components to operate as a profit or cost center. [D05920]
Any segment of an organization, or an entire business organization, which is not divided into further segments. [D03463]
- Business Value
An informal term that represents all forms of value that determine the long-run health and wellbeing of an organization. It may include such current or potential value components as: shareholder value; customer value; employee value; partner value; supplier value; managerial value; societal value; and so on. [D05921]
- Business-as-Usual
The routine day-to-day activities of an organization. Editor's Note: I.e. of an operational department as distinct from a program or project activity [D05922]
- Buyer
 The party that purchases products, goods or services; the one to whom something is sold. [D05616]
The procuring organization. For an internal project the buyer could be the marketing department. [D04013]
- Buyer's Market
A market that favors the buyer. [D03265]
- Buy-In
Either - The result of reaching consensus, or
- The process of making a cost bid in a proposal that is unduly optimistic or even actually less than the estimated costs for the project, which is done for the purpose of winning the job.
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- Bypassing
Either - The attachment of different meanings to the same message, or
- Skipping or going around the chain of command in an organizational structure.
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