- Compensation
 Something given, typically financial, on account of:
- Goods and/or services rendered
- For some form of loss or misuse, or
- To offset an adverse situation such as in a claim.
Wages, salaries, honoraria, commissions, professional fees, and any other form of remuneration provided directly or indirectly for services rendered. [D03470]
- Compensation and Evaluation
The measurement of an individual's performance and the financial payment provided to employees as a reward for their performance and as a motivator for future performance. [D00256]
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- Competence
 The demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and/or skills, and, where relevant, demonstrate personal aptitudes. [D06385]
Ability to perform up to a required standard. [D02493]
The ability to perform specific tasks in a satisfactory manner. [D04948]
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Consistently demonstrated and appropriately used attitudes, behavioral attributes, skills and knowledge, resulting in clear enterprise benefit. [D05938]
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Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and/or skills and, where relevant, demonstrated personal attributes as defined in the certification schema. [D05939]
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Qualified, capable, or adequate for the stipulated purpose. [D05940]
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- Competency
 The knowledge and skills capability of an individual or organization. [D05283]
In project management, the measurement of both a person's knowledge and their demonstrated capability in project management. [D00257]
Critical skill, or in some cases personality characteristic, required of an individual to complete an activity or project, or otherwise required for a certain position. [D05941]
- Competition
 An acquisition strategy where more than one supplier is solicited to bid on performing a service or function. [D04024]
Either - A condition where a large number of producers or service providers vie for customers, or
- An attempt by two or more persons or organizations to gain more than the other through methods of their own.
Editor's Note: Competition is sometimes used in soliciting proposals where selection is made on the basis of excellence or suitability, as with architectural assignments. [D02494]
Contest between two rivals. The effort of two or more parties, acting independently, to secure the business of a third party by the offer of the most favorable terms. It is the struggle between rivals for the same trade at the same time; the act of seeking or endeavoring to gain what another is endeavoring to gain at the same time. The term implies the idea of endeavoring by two or more to obtain the same object or result. [D05765]
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- Competitive
The act of being in competition. [D02495]
- Competitive Advantage
An advantage of one competitor over another. [D05942]
- Competitive Benchmarking
A means of identifying and comparing measures of performance of the host firm and of its known and targeted competitors for the purpose of evaluating the competitiveness of the host firm as things currently stand. [D06386]
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- Competitive Markup
A concept enshrined in a European Public Sector Directive designed to ensure greater transparency in the procurement of major public works projects. The procedure is meant as a halfway house between restricted tenders for simple, easily defined works contracts and negotiated procedures for more complex projects. [D05766]
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- Compile
To collect or put together. [D02496]
- Compile Time
Refers to something that occurs during the compilation of a software module. See modeling time, run time. [D04706]
- Complete
Finished, ended, concluded all according to requirements. [D02497]
- Completed Activity
An activity with an actual finish date and no remaining duration. [D00258]
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- Completed Units
The number of units completed to date. [D02498]
- Completion
The process of finishing, see Complete. [D02499]
- Completion Bond
A concept enshrined in a European Public Sector Directive designed to ensure greater transparency in the procurement of major public works projects. The procedure is meant as a halfway house between restricted tenders for simple, easily defined works contracts and negotiated procedures for more complex projects. [D05767]
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- Completion Date
 The calculated date for completion derived from estimating, planning and risk evaluation taking into account contingencies for identified risks. [D04319]
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The date calculated by which the project could finish following careful estimating. [D00259]
The date calculated by which the project could finish following careful estimating, planning and risk analysis taking into account resource limitations and contingency. [D03812]
In construction contracts, the date of "Substantial Performance". [D06302]
- Complex
See Project Complexity. [D02500]
- Complex Project
A project that is more influenced by interactions among its parts and among other internal and external contributing elements. These interactions may confound the most knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated project managers. See also Mega project. Editor's note: This definition is specific to the project management domain and is an attempt to distinguish the need for a particular management style compared to just a Complicated Project. [D06387]
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- Compliance
 - Adhering to any standards, procedures, or processes established as necessary for operational effectiveness
- Meeting all technical, contractual, and price/cost requirements of a request for proposal.
- Complicated Project
A project that is more readily understood and managed through traditional practices of decomposition into its smaller parts. Editor's note: This definition is specific to the project management domain and is an attempt to distinguish the need for a particular management style compared to a more Complex Project. [D06388]
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- Component
 A discrete element of a portfolio, program or project. [D06336]
A subsystem, assembly, subassembly or other major element of an end item [D02285]
A non-trivial, nearly independent, and replaceable part of a system that fulfills a clear function in the context of a well-defined architecture. A component conforms to and provides the physical realization of a set of interfaces. [D04812]
A product that is not subject to decomposition from the perspective of a specific application. [D05619]
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- Component Integration and Test
Assembling units into the next higher assembly and testing the integrated unit. [D04025]
- Component-Based Development ("CBD")
The creation and deployment of software-intensive systems assembled from components as well as the development and harvesting of such components. [D04707]
- Components
Those articles, materials, and supplies incorporated directly into the end products or construction elements. [D03471]
- Compound Risk
A risk made up of a number of interrelated risks. [D00261]
- Compromise
Both sides agree such that each wins or loses a few points. [D00262]
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- Compromising, in negotiating
A search for middle ground that involves some degree of sacrifice by both sides. [D02732]
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- Computer
An electronic device for computation, record keeping, communication, etc. [D02501]
- Computer Aided Design ("CAD")
The application of computer technology to facilitate design by applying methods, forms, functions, algorithms, virtual mock-ups, object integration, etc. [D04026]
- Computer Aided Drafting ("CAD")
The drawing of the parts of a system or unit by electronic means. [D02436]
- Computer Aided Manufacturing ("CAM")
The application of computer technology to facilitate manufacturing in the areas of numerically controlled machine operations, robotic production lines, just-in-time supply systems, inventory control, and configuration management. [D04027]
- Computer Aided Software Engineering ("CASE (1)")
The application of computer technology to facilitate the development of software. CASE tools usually include libraries of reusable code (modules of software that can be easily modified for specific tasks), programmer productivity tools, and testing utilities. CASE tools also provide requirements management, system simulation, test management, etc. See also Computer Aided System Engineering. [D04028]
- Computer Aided System Engineering ("CASE (2)")
The application of computer technology to facilitate requirements management, requirements flowdown, behavior simulations, system trades, verification planning, change control and baseline management. [D04029]
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