- Delivery
The transfer or handover of a product from one party to another. [D02618]
- Delphi Technique
 The Delphi Technique is similar to brainstorming but takes place in a virtual meeting, people don't necessarily know each other, may participate anonymously, and a facilitator shunts messages back and forth amongst the group. It is designed to avoid the affect of group influence on the final decision. It is slow and sometimes difficult to get people to respond if they don't see any personal gain. [D05634]
A process where a consensus view is reached by consultation with experts. Often used as an estimating technique. [D00507]
- Demographic Data
A "picture of the people" that includes information on the characteristics of various populations. [D06403]
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- Demonstrate
To show clearly the merits or workings of an element or issue. [D02644]
- Demonstrated
Previously established as a matter of record. [D02645]
- Demonstrated Past Experience
Highly acceptable capability based on an individual's past performance. [D02646]
- Demonstration
Verification by witnessing operation. [D04068]
- Demonstration Review
The initial formal review of a contractor's management control system to determine whether or not it satisfies the requirements of the C/SCSC. [D04631]
- Department
A distinct area or branch of an enterprise supervised by a manager. [D02647]
- Departmental Budget
That portion of an enterprise's annual budget allocated to a specific department, as distinct from a project budget which is independent of fiscal constraints. [D02648]
- Dependability
The degree to which an item is operable and capable of performing its required function at any random time. [D02305]
- Dependencies
Relationships between products or tasks. For example, one product may be made up of several other "dependent" products or a task may not begin until a "dependent" task is complete. See also logical relationship. [D00508]
- Dependency
 A relationship between two modeling elements, in which a change to one modeling element (the independent element) will affect the other modeling element (the dependent element). [D04820]
A relation between activities, such that one requires input from the other. [D00509]
See Logical Relationship. [D00510]
The next task or group of tasks cannot begin until preceding work has been completed, thus the word "dependent" or "dependency". [D03715]
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A relationship in which a desired state is contingent on the achievement of one or more prerequisites. [D05967]
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- Dependency Arrow
A link arrow used in an activity on node network to represent the interrelationships of activities in a project.
- Dependency Diagram
Another name for a network or precedence diagram that shows the dependencies (precedence) between tasks. [D00511]
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- Dependency Links
Different types of links connecting activities in a precedence network. [D00512]
- Dependency Management
Management of the relationships or dependencies between activities or elements of a project. [D02649]
- Deployment
A discipline in the software-engineering process, whose purpose is to ensure a successful transition of the developed system to its users. Included are artifacts such as training materials and installation procedures. [D04717]
- Deployment Lessons Learned Document
The document that records lessons learned from the deployment and system validation activities. [D04069]
- Deployment Plan
The document that defines that approach to transition the system from the factory environment to the staging site or operational mode. [D04070]
- Deployment Procedures
The document that defines the step by step instructions for carrying out the deployment plan. Typically includes details of marking, packaging, shipping, transportation, precautions, transportation environment, unpacking, assembly, and special risk management actions. [D04071]
- Deployment Readiness Review
A control gate to approve readiness for deployment into the staging or operational environment. [D04072]
- Deployment View
An architectural view that describes one or several system configurations; the mapping of software components (tasks, modules) to the computing nodes in these configurations. [D04821]
- Depreciation
 The decrease in value of tangible property (without loss of property) due to causes such as wear, tear, age, and obsolescence. [D02650]
A charge to current operations which distributes the cost of a tangible capital asset, less estimated residual value, over the estimated useful life of the asset in a systematic and logical manner. It does not involve a process of valuation. [D03492]
The periodic devaluation of an asset to account for aging and use. [D05320]
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An accounting method of deferring the expense of a capital asset so that the cost of the item is spread out over its useful life rather than taking its full cost in the year of purchase. There are two accepted approaches: "Straight-line" depreciation spreads the cost evenly over the useful life, and "accelerated" depreciation takes more of the cost of the asset earlier in its life rather than later. [D05775]
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- Depreciation Expense
The amount of expense recorded each year during the life of an asset. [D05776]
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- Descriptive
Portrayal of content in words, either orally or written. When applied to instructions, implies information concerning how something is to be done, rather than step by step details of what is to be done, i.e. Prescriptive. [D02651]
- Descriptive Decision Theory
A branch of decision theory that describes how people actually make decisions. [D06404]
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- Design
 The process of developing and documenting a solution to a problem using technology experts and tools. [D04073]
The creation of final approach for executing the project's work. [D00513]
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The activity of defining what is to be delivered. To a significant extent the design will influence how the product will be made. [D03434]
In construction, defining the construction requirement (including the functional relationships and technical systems to be used, such as architectural, environmental, structural, electrical, mechanical, and fire protection), producing the technical specifications and drawings, and preparing the construction cost estimate. [D03493]
The part of the software development process whose primary purpose is to decide how the system will be implemented. During design, strategic and tactical decisions are made to meet the required functional and quality requirements of a system. See analysis. [D04718]
- Design & Development Phase
 The second phase in the generic project life cycle encompasses detailed technical, commercial and organizational decisions. There is often substantial opportunity to optimize these decisions without the expenditure of significant resources. Modeling, prototyping and testing may thus be effort well spent. Management approval gates will be necessary where major decisions are to be made, for example, technical and design or procurement and commercial. In some industries this phase is dealt with as two separate phases with a management gate between the two. This is to allow the design to be developed in further outline before approval is given for significant resource expenditure on full design/development. Equally, the gate may be required before major procurement decisions and commitments are made after initial design but prior to full design/development. [D03432]
The time period in which production process and facility and production processes are developed and designed. [D00515]
- Design Alternatives
During feasibility and the design stage (concept, development, and working drawings), the designer will identify several technical solutions that all satisfy the functional requirements and the standards that constrain the choices. The alternate designs are compared in terms of cost effectiveness, often using an analysis of trade-offs to arrive at an optimum solution. Ideally, the one that is finally chosen and implemented is the most economic combination of design alternatives. Used extensively in value management. [D00514]
- Design Appraisal
 An appraisal of the complete design for a project or a component deliverable. [D02652]
- Design Authority
 An optional role that may be established by the program manager with responsibility for:
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A role within the program executive, with responsibility for
- Design Baseline
The design which forms the basis of the project control estimate. [D00516]
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- Design Bid Build
The traditional delivery method where design and construction are sequential and contracted for separately with two contracts and two contractors. [D03488]
- Design Brief
The design synopsis of a project, usually at the end of the feasibility phase. [D00517]
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- Design Build
Combining design and construction in a single contract with one contractor. [D03494]
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