- Project Log
A project diary. A chronological record of significant occurrences throughout the project. [D04486]
- Project Logic
The relationships between the various activities in a project. [D01435]
- Project Logic Drawing
A representation of the logical relationships of a project. [D01436]
- Project Maker
A person charged with total responsibility for creating a viable project, including public relations, political, economical, technical, etc. (Archaic: A person that repeatedly proposes unnecessary or impossible projects.) [D01437]
- Project Management ("PM")
 The art and science of managing a project from inception to closure as evidenced by successful product delivery and transfer. Editor's Note: See also Change. [D01444]
An approach used to manage work within constraints of time, cost and performance targets. [D01438]
May be informally defined as "The art of directing and coordinating human and material resources to achieve stated objectives within limits of time, budget, and stakeholders' satisfaction." Or more formally defined as "The application of modern management techniques and systems to the execution of a project from start to finish, to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, quality, time and cost, to the equal satisfaction of those involved. See also management. [D01439]
The combination of systems, techniques, and people required to complete a project within established goals of time, budget, and quality. [D01440]
The process of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the project life cycle using modern management techniques to achieve established objectives of scope, quality, time, cost and stakeholder satisfaction. [D01441]
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The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations. [D01442]
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The art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, quality , time, cost, and participant satisfaction, [D01443]
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The planning, scheduling, and controlling of project activities to achieve performance, cost, and time objectives, for a given scope of work, while using resources efficiently and effectively, [D03618]
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The discipline of managing projects successfully. Project management can and should be applied throughout the project lifecycle, from the earliest stages of concept definition into operations & maintenance. It comprises the management of all that is involved in achieving the project objectives safely and within agreed time, cost, technical, quality and other performance criteria. Project management provides the "single point of integrative responsibility" needed to ensure that everything on the project is managed effectively to ensure a successful project deliverable. [D03750]
The controlled implementation of defined change.
The planning, monitoring and control of all aspects of a project and the motivation of all those involved in it to achieve the project objectives on time and to specified cost, quality and performance. [D05074]
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In project portfolio management, that part of an organization responsible for managing a project from inception to closure as evidenced by successful delivery and transfer of the project's product into the care, custody and control of the Client or Customer. [D06150]
The administration, supervision or executive function to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and control a proposed or planned undertaking to achieve a particular aim or objective within a specific time frame. There must be some reasonable expectation for success, through the skillful handling or use of limited or constrained resources and the successful organization, administration and controlling of these affairs in a business-like manner. [D06492]
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The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. [D06495]
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- Project Management Body of Knowledge
 All subject areas covered in sufficient depth to understand and apply sound project management principles and practices necessary for the successful planning and accomplishment of projects. [D01446]
An inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management. As with other professions such as law and medicine, the body of knowledge rests with the practitioners and academics that apply and advance it. [D01445]
All those topics, subject areas and intellectual processes which are involved in the application of sound management principles to the collective execution of any type of effort which qualify as projects. [D01447]
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- Project Management Competence
The ability to effectively apply skills and behaviors to improve project performance. [D04600]
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- Project Management Elements
An interactive group of 10 management responsibilities applied to all phases of the Project Cycle by all organizations participating in the project to accomplish the project objectives. These ten elements are:
- Project Requirements.
- Organizational Options.
- Project Team.
- Project Planning.
- Opportunities and Risks.
- Project Control.
- Project Visibility.
- Project Status.
- Corrective Action.
- Project Leadership.
- Project Management Information System
 The gathering, recording, filtering and dissemination of pertinent information for members of a project team. [D01448]
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A system used to chart activities and data and used to track progress and information flow in a project that is most frequently computerized, but not always. [D01449]
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- Project Management Integration
The harmonizing of the four core project management functions of scope, quality, time and cost, through the four facilitating functions of risk, human resources, contract/procurement and information/communications, for purposes of satisfying the project's stakeholders. Scope and quality reflect the technical requirements of the project. [D01451]
- Project Management Knowledge Area
One of the sub-disciplines or functions of project management such as Project Scope Management, Project Cost management, etc. [D05693]
- Project Management Manual
A set of instructions for organizing and managing a specific project. [D01453]
- Project Management Methodology
A pre-defined set of tasks that are designed to provide a guide or a checklist for developing and implementing projects. [D05444]
- Project Management Office ("PMO")
 The organizational entity with full time personnel to provide a focal point for the discipline of project management. Also known as project office, project management center of excellence, or directorate of project managers. Editor's Note: The label "Project Management Office" or "PMO" has become a general label for a project management group with a variety of responsibilities, including project portfolio management, depending on the corporate organization and its intentions. [D05075]
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The group of technical, business and management personnel assigned full time to a program or project in support of the Program/Project Manager. The group may include personnel from participating organizations. [D03653]
A centralized organization dedicated to improving the practice and results of project management. [D05824]
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- Project Management Plan
 A baseline tool used as a reference for managing the project. It is the most important document in the overall planning, monitoring, and implementation of a project and should be "owned" by the project manager and his/her team. The plan should include:
The Project Management Plan establishes project management's interpretation of the why, what, how, who, how much, and when of the project. [D03749]
The documented and agreed or approved policies, procedures and guidelines for conducting the management of a project. In large part, these are usually a part of the corporate project management environment. This plan, or reference document, typically encompasses a number of sub-plans, or chapters, covering the nine knowledge areas of project management namely: Scope Management Plan; Quality Management Plan; Schedule Management Plan; Cost Management Plan; Risk Management Plan; Contract/Procurement Management Plan; Human Resources Management Plan; and Communications Management Plan. [D05694]
- Project Management Portal
A web-based tool for sharing information, entering progress, receiving assignments and collaborating through a common interface. [D05695]
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- Project Management Process
Project cycle, phases, and activities that are managed by the techniques and tools of the ten project management elements to ensure that all project control gates are completed satisfactorily and that project objectives are accomplished. The formality of application is tailored to the type of project and value and risk of the project. [D04197]
- Project Management Professional ("PMP®")
An individual certified as such by the Project Management Institute.
PMI® requires users of the PMP® symbol to do the following: "Include the registered trademark symbol, "®", immediately next to each use or appearance of the "PMP" ® mark, as well as acknowledge and state in a prominent portion of the publication on which the mark appears, that "PMP" ® is a registered service mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc." [D01454]
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- Project Management Software
 A class of computer applications specifically designed to aid with planning and controlling project costs and schedules. [D01455]
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A computer application designed to help with planning and controlling resources, costs and schedules of a project. [D01456]
- Project Management Success
The appreciation of the project management results by the relevant interested parties. [D06494]
- Project Management System
A methodical approach to managing a project, typically documented in the Project Management Plan describing standard policies, procedures and guidelines for the project. [D05696]
- Project Management Team
 The entire management structure of project board, project manager, plus any team manager, project assurance and project support roles. [D05445]
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Members of the project team who are directly involved in its management. [D01457]
The members of the project team who are directly involved in project management activities. On some smaller projects, the project management team may include virtually all those working on the project. Editor's Note: Note the distinction from "Project Team". [D01458]
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- Project Manager ("PM")
 The person who heads up the project team and is assigned the authority and responsibility for conducting the project and meeting project objectives through project management. [D01464]
 In project portfolio management, the person with the authority to manage the day-to-day work of the project. This includes leading the planning and development of all project deliverables and responsibility for managing budget, workplan and all project management procedures and processes. Project managers are stakeholders in the portfolio management process, and may provide assistance though they do not have a formal role. [D06151]
Person responsible to the client for the project work. [D01459]
The individual appointed with responsibility for project management of the project. [D01460]
The person assigned responsibility and accountability for the project and is given the necessary authority to undertake that responsibility. The project manager reports to the project Sponsor. [D01461]
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The Project Manager is the individual responsible for the day-to-day management of the project. [D01462]
The individual responsible for managing a project. [D01463]
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The person responsible for delivering the project in the agreed schedule, to the correct technical specification, i.e. defined to meet user requirements, and within the approved budget and other specified criteria, e.g. Key Performance Indicators. [D03751]
A non-technical role to take day-to-day responsibility for management of the project throughout all its phases. [D03921]
Individual or body with authority, accountability and responsibility for managing a project to achieve specific objectives. [D04488]
A project level position responsible for integrating the efforts of all project contributors on his or her project.
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An individual who has been assigned responsibility for accomplishing a specific unit of work. The project manager is typically responsible for the planning, implementing, controlling, and reporting of status on a project. Editor's Note: In this definition the project manager is responsible for "a unit of work", not necessarily the whole project. This is often the case in the real world of complex projects where "units of work" are assigned to different companies or organizations and consequently there is a proliferation of project managers on the project. [D04652]
The worker with overall responsibility for the project. The Project Manager needs to ensure tasks are scheduled, allocated and completed in accordance with project schedules, budgets and quality requirements. [D04752]
The person with authority to manage a project. This includes leading the planning and the development of all project deliverables. The project manager is responsible for managing the budget and work plan and all project management procedures (scope management, issues management, risk management, etc). [D05076]
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The role with total business responsibility for an entire project; the individual who directs, controls, administers, and regulates a project acquiring software, a hardware/software system, or services. The project manager is the individual ultimately responsible to the end user. [D05205]
The person given the authority and responsibility to manage the project on a day-to-day basis to deliver the required products within the constraints agreed with the project board. [D05446]
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The person responsible for leading, directing and managing the project and project team to deliver the project deliverables to an agreed time, cost and quality/performance. [D05447]
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