- Element Definition Dictionary
A listing of terms and their meanings representing the contents or elements of a work breakdown structure. [D02699]
- Email
The transfer of messages and information by electronic means using a computer. [D02701]
- Emotion
A mental state that arises automatically in the nervous system rather than through conscious effort. It can evoke a positive or negative psychological response. [D06414]
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- Emotional Intelligence
Knowing and managing one's own emotions and those of others for improved project performance. [D06415]
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- Employee Relations
Those formal activities and procedures used by an organization to administer and develop its workforce. [D00597]
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- Employment
The engaging of individuals in useful work in return for compensation. [D02702]
- Empower
Formally granting of power or authority to act. [D05326]
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- Empowerment
The enabling of project team members to achieve self-control, that is, to do their jobs with the minimum of supervision consistent with their individual capabilities. To achieve this, each employee needs:
- A clear definition of what he or she is supposed to be doing, and for what purpose
- A personal plan on how to do the required work
- The skills and resources that are adequate for doing the work.
- Feedback on progress that goes directly to the person from the work itself.
- A clear definition of his or her authority to take positive corrective action when there is a deviation from plan
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See Expenditure Management Report
- Enabler
Something that can be developed/built/acquired normally from outside the environment in which it will be embedded and where the benefits will be realized. [D05979]
- Enclosed Document
A document can be enclosed by another document to collect a set of documents into a whole; the enclosing document as well as the individual enclosures are regarded as separate artifacts. [D04832]
- Encumbrance
A burden or obligation that impedes and makes action difficult. [D05639]
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- End Activity
An activity with no logical successors. [D00598]
- End Event (of a project)
Event with preceding, but no succeeding activities.
Note: There may be more than one end event.
- End Goal
An ultimate objective of a program or project. [D05980]
- End Item
See Deliverable or Product. [D02314]
- End Product
Deliverable resulting from project work. [D05981]
- End Project Report
A report given by the project manager to the project board, that confirms the handover of all products and provides an updated business case and an assessment of how well the project has done against its project initiation document. [D05327]
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- End Stage Assessment
 A mandatory management control at the end of each stage. Work may not proceed on the next stage until the project board has approved current status and future resource plans and technical plans at this assessment. See also Control Gate. [D03840]
The review by the project board and project manager of the end stage report to decide whether to approve the next stage plan (unless the last stage has now been completed). According to the size and criticality of the project, the review maybe formal or informal. The approval to proceed should be documented as an important management product. [D05328]
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- End Stage Report
A report given by the project manager to the project board at the end of each management stage of the project. This provides information about the project performance during the stage and the project status at stage end. [D05329]
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- End Tranche Assessment
A review carried out at the outset of the benefits realization phase to verify the completion of all tranche projects and to plan for maximizing benefits from tranche projects and executing the next tranche. [D04974]
- End User
 The individual or group who will use the system for its intended operational use when it is deployed in its environment. [D05177]
The person or group for whom the project's product or service was developed. [D05330]
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- End User Representatives
A selected sample of end users who represent the total population of end users. [D05178]
- Endorsement
 Written Approval. Endorsement signifies personal understanding and acceptance of the thing endorsed, and recommends further endorsement by higher levels of authority if necessary. Endorsement of commitment by a person invested with appropriate authority signifies authorization. See Approve, Authorize. [D00599]
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Agreement to a plan or action prior to final approval. [D04975]
- End-Phase Assessment
See Post Project Review [D02178]
- Engineering Change Notice
The formal release of an engineering change. [D04082]
- Engineering Change Proposal ("ECP")
A proposal submitted by the seller in response to a buyer request for an ECP to change the existing contract effort. Only the buyer can initiate the request for an Engineering Change Proposal. This activity is usually preceded by a Request For Change. The user, buyer, or the seller can initiate a Request For Change to the contract. It is an exploratory activity. [D04217]
- Engineering Change Request
A request to consider a technical change to the technical baseline submitted to a Change Control Board. [D00600]
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- Engineering Cost Estimate
 Cost estimate derived by summing detailed cost analysis of the individual work packages and adding appropriate burdens. Usually determined by a contractor's performing organizations, price analysts, and cost accountants. [D04083]
A detailed cost estimate of the work and related burdens, usually made by industrial engineering or price/cost estimating. Another term for Engineering Cost Estimate is Bottom-up Cost Estimate. [D00601]
- Engineering Process
The set of activities relating to a construction output. [D02703]
- Enhancement
Something added to increase its impact, effectiveness or value. [D05331]
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- Enterprise
A business organization involved in economic activity and taking risks for purposes of profit. Editor's Note: Compare this with Bureaucracy. [D02704]
- Enterprise Project Management
 The application of the project management discipline throughout an organization. [D02705]
A concept based on the principle that prosperity depends on adding value to business, and that value is added by systematically implementing new projects i.e. projects of all types across the organization. [D04341]
The comprehensive implementation and practice of project management based on the recognition that the sum total of an organization's work is a portfolio of simultaneous and interconnected projects that need to be managed collectively as well as individually. [D05982]
- Enterprise Project Management Office ("EPMO")
In project portfolio management, an office at a high level in the organization advising corporate management directly on the management of a corporate project portfolio. [D05983]
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- Enterprise Project Structure ("EPS")
The orderly arrangement of projects in an organization's portfolio designed to support the goals and objectives of the enterprise. [D05151]
- Enterprise Resource Planning ("ERP")
Program/Project resource planning of activities, supported by multi-module application software and processes to help an enterprise manage key parts of its business which may include product planning, maintaining inventories, supply chain processes, providing customer services, human resources planning, etc. It may include any other system involving nay kind of resource consumption that can benefit from integration of information across many functional areas. [D04367]
- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems ("ERPS")
Enterprise wide applications/processes/systems that support ERP by handling a wide variety of planning, transaction processing and accounting functions in an integrated manner across many functional areas. [D04368]
- Entitlement
 Grounds for seeking or claiming something, a right. [D05332]
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That portion of a claim that entitles a claimant to recover from the other party. [D04084]
- Entrepreneur
 One who organizes, manages and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. [D02706]
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An individual who risks starting his or her own business. A person who has the ability to see an opportunity, to obtain necessary capital, labor, and other inputs, and to know how to put together an operation successfully, and who has the willingness to take personal risk of success or failure. [D02707]
- Environment
A core supporting workflow in the software-engineering process, whose purpose is to define and manage the environment in which the system is being developed. Includes process descriptions, configuration management, and development tools. [D04724]
- Environment Baseline
Details of the existing environment serving as a basis for managing the project's impact. [D05333]
- Environment Characteristic
A particular property of the environment. [D02708]
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