- Quality Council
A group of individuals, typically comprising senior managers, that is responsible for coordinating the quality program in an organization. [D06184]
- Quality Criteria
The characteristics of a product that determines whether it meets certain requirements. [D01583]
- Quality Evaluation Methods
The technical process of gathering measured variables or counted data for decision making in the quality process review. [D01584]
- Quality File
Contains records of quality reviews and technical exceptions procedures of a project. [D01585]
- Quality Function Deployment
A Japanese method for systematically translating true customer needs into product/service technical requirements for design, development, implementation, and delivery of a product. [D04311]
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- Quality Gate
The predefined completion criteria for a task, including audits, walk-throughs, and inspections that provide an assessment of progress, processes used, and project products to be delivered. [D06185]
- Quality Grade
A particular attribute of an item, product or service, that meets all minimum project requirements but that may be specified according to a class ranging from 'utility' (purely functional) to 'world class' (equal to the best of the best). See also Grade. [D01586]
PMGdLns |
- Quality Guide
A guide describing quality and configuration management procedures and aimed at people directly involved with quality reviews, configuration management and technical exceptions. [D01587]
- Quality Improvement
Taking action to increase effectiveness and efficiencies of the project management processes so that this project and future projects will better meet customer satisfaction. [D04340]
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- Quality Improvement Program
A deliberate program designed to improve all of the organization's activities and operations. [D03217]
- Quality Inspection
An inspection carried out to determine whether or not a deliverable or product, whether intermediate or end product, meets the specified quality criteria. [D03218]
- Quality Inspection Procedures
Procedures governing the process of quality inspection. [D03219]
- Quality Log
 A record of all planned and completed quality activities. The quality log is used by the project manager and project assurance as part of the reviewing process. [D05831]
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A record of all the quality checking done on a project. [D05464]
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- Quality Loop; Quality Spiral
Conceptual model of interacting activities that influence the quality of a product or service in the various stages ranging from the identification of needs to the assessment of whether these needs have been satisfied. [D01588]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
- Quality Management
 The process by which the quality of the deliverables and management processes is assured and controlled for a project, using quality assurance and quality control techniques. [D06186]
The function required to determine and implement quality policy throughout the project life cycle. Quality management encompasses the sub-functions of Quality Assurance and Quality Control. [D01589]
That aspect of the overall management function that determines and implements the quality policy. [D01590]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
- Quality Management Function
Quality itself is the composite of material attributes (including performance features and characteristics) of the product or service which are required to satisfy the need for which the project is launched. Quality standards may be attained through the sub-functions of quality assurance (Managerial) and quality control (Technical). [D01591]
- Quality Management Plan
The documented and agreed policies, procedures and guidelines for directing and controlling the project's quality requirements. A part of the Project Management Plan. [D05708]
- Quality Management Strategy
The statement of how quality will be built into the management of the program and its outputs. [D05583]
MSP-UK 1999 |
- Quality Management System
The complete set of quality standards, procedures and responsibilities for a site or organization, or is created for an individual project, if no quality system is in place. [D05465]
PRNC2 2002 |
- Quality Philosophy
Established quality policies and procedures that are used to guide work throughout the organization and serve as the basis for performing project work. [D06187]
- Quality Plan
 The approach to achieving the quality of the project. [D05229]
A document setting out the specific quality practices, resources and sequence of activities relevant to a particular product, service, contract or project. [D01593]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
A component of the program definition statement, setting out quality objectives for the program's design and execution. [D03930]
- Quality Planning
 Determining which quality standards are necessary and how to apply them. [D01594]
The preparation, checking, and recording of actions that are necessary to achieve the standard of product or service that the customer and legislation requires. Editor's Note: This definition might better be described as Quality Control. [D03761]
- Quality Policy
The overall quality intentions and direction of an organization as regards quality, as formally expressed by top management. [D01595]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
- Quality Process Review
The technical process of using data to decide how the actual project results compare with the quality specifications /requirements. If deviations occur, this analysis may cause changes in the project design, development, use, etc., depending on the decisions of the client, involved shareholders and the project team. [D01596]
- Quality Product
A product that meets or exceeds the customer's expectations. [D06188]
- Quality Program Requirement
The requirement for the establishment and maintenance of a quality program in accordance with MIL-Q-9858. The specification requires that the program shall assure adequate quality throughout all areas of contract performance; for example, design, development, fabrication, processing, assembly, inspection, test, maintenance, packaging, shipping storage, and site installation. [D01597]
- Quality Review
 A quality checking technique with a specific structure, defined roles and procedure designed to ensure a product's completeness and adherence to standards. The participants are drawn from those with an interest in the product and those with the necessary skills to review its correctness. An example of the checks made by a quality review is "Does the product match the quality criteria in the product description?" [D05467]
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A review where a product or group of products is checked against an agreed set of quality criteria. [D03931]
A review of a product against an established set of quality criteria. [D01598]
A check on the quality of a deliverable. [D02206]
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- Quality Risk
See Risk, Quality. [D06189]
- Quality Standards
Stipulations of measurable physical properties or characteristics, which materials, equipment or constructed items must have as a minimum. Basic design criteria and standards should be defined and signed off by the Owner in the conceptual design. In a contract document, quality standards are generally expressed in the specifications by reference to published Codes and Standards. [D01592]
- Quality Surveillance
The continuing monitoring and verification of the status of procedures, methods, conditions, processes, products and services, and analysis of records in relation to stated references to ensure that specified requirements for quality are being met. [D01599]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
- Quality System
 Procedures, processes, people, management, tools, and facilities involved in ensuring that quality is built into a product or service. [D06191]
The organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources for implementing quality management. [D01600]
See Quality Management System [D05468]
- Quality System Review
A formal evaluation by top management of the status and adequacy of the quality system in relation to quality policy and new objectives resulting from changing circumstances. [D01601]
ISO 8402 QMPP |
- Quantifiable Measures
Scientific measures, i.e. numeric. [D05709]
- Quantitative
Expressible in, or involving the measurement of, quantity or amount. [D03213]
Webster |
- Quantitative Control
Any quantitative or statistically-based technique appropriate to analyze a software acquisition process, identify special causes of variations in the performance of the software acquisition process, and bring the performance of the software acquisition process within well-defined limits. [D05207]
- Quantitative Risk Analysis
An examination of project risks using numerical processes such as simulation and decision trees. [D05710]
- Quantitative Risk Assessment
See Risk Analysis, Quantitative. [D06192]
- Quantity Take-Off
The process of determining the quantities of goods and materials required for a project. An estimate of the requirements is made by counting and measuring from drawings and other documents, typically from a set of contract tender documents for purposes of calculating a price for presenting as a bid. [D03220]
- Quantum
The amount a claimant is entitled to under a claim. [D04207]
- Queue
Waiting time. [D03726]
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- Quick Reaction Capability
A project approach directed to delivering in a shorter time than would normally be expected. Cost is usually secondary to program schedule. Sometimes called Skunk Works. [D04208]
- Quotation
A statement of a price in response to a request for goods and/or services. [D05867]
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