- Marketing Plan
A set of goals, objectives and strategies designed to retain and/or increase awareness and use of a product or service. [D06454]
- Marketing Requirements Document ("MRD")
A description of a market opportunity and the resulting market requirements. That is, a document describing the needs to be addressed by a product, without necessarily specifying product features or functionality. [D05670]
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- Markup
 The overhead and profit added to a cost estimate to arrive at the selling price. [D05388]
The amount added to estimate line items to cover payroll on-costs, supervision, administration and profit. Alternatively may just refer to the overhead and profit added to the bottom of an estimate for purposes of submitting a bid or invoice. [D03654]
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
A theory of motivation developed by Abraham Maslow in which a person's needs arise in an order of sequence in the following five categories:
- Physical needs
- Safety needs
- Love needs
- Esteem needs, and
- Self-actualization needs.
- Master
Someone or something that has authority or control of others or other things, e.g. Master Schedule as a primary source of overarching schedule information. [D03001]
- Master Builder
A term referring to the designer/builders and architects of impressive buildings of ancient times. [D03002]
- Master Network
Network showing the complete project, from which more detailed networks are derived.
- Master Plan
Plan showing the main project structure (syn: Main Plan.) [D00989]
- Master Project Schedule
The highest level summary schedule for a project, depicting overall project phasing and all major interfaces, contractual milestones, and project elements. [D04139]
- Master Schedule
 The highest summary level schedule for a project showing the overall phasing and all major interfaces, key milestones and significant work elements. [D02269]
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A schedule containing activities and milestones corresponding to a high level of project control. It is the master reference base for time control and should only be revised under the conditions described in Chapter 17. [D00990]
A summary level schedule which identifies the major activities and key milestones. See also milestone schedule. [D00991]
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An executive summary-level schedule which identifies the major components of a project, and usually also identifies the major milestones, [D00992]
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A summary schedule that identifies major activities and milestones. [D00993]
- Master Time Schedule
Plan showing the main project activities with expected durations. [D00994]
- Material
 Property that may be incorporated into or attached to a deliverable end item or that may be consumed or expended in performing a contract. It includes assemblies, components, parts, raw and processed materials, and small tools and supplies that may be consumed in normal use in performing a contract. [D03529]
Property which may be incorporated into or attached to an end item to be delivered under a contract or which may be consumed or expended in the performance of a contract. It includes, but is not limited to raw and processed material, parts, components, assemblies, fuels and lubricants, and small tools and supplies which may be consumed in normal use in the performance of a contract. [D00995]
- Material Breach
The discharge of the non-faulted party from any further obligations under a contract. The most serious form of breach. [D06053]
- Material Difference
A change of conditions which will have a significant impact on the performance of the work in terms of means and methods, time and/or costs. [D05019]
- Material Handling
The standards and processes for packaging, shipping and/or transporting materials [D03003]
- Material Requirements Planning ("MRP")
An approach for material planning and ordering based on known or forecast demand requirements, lead times for obtaining each item, and existing inventories of all items. [D00996]
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- Material Resource Plan
A plan for sourcing and sequencing materials for a project. See, for example, Just-in-Time. [D03004]
- Material Review Board
The formal Contractor-Government Board established for the purpose of reviewing, evaluating, and disposing of specific non-conforming supplies or services; and, for assuring the initiation and accomplishment of corrective action to preclude recurrence. [D00997]
- Materials Control
Controlling flow of materials, i.e. equipment and bulks to a building site or yard. [D00998]
- Materiel
Systems, equipment, stores, supplies and spares, including related documentation, manuals, computer hardware and software. Editor's Note: Note the difference between "Material" and "Materiel" ! [D05389]
- Mathematical Analysis
See Network Analysis. [D00999]
- Mathematical Programming
See Computer Modeling. [D03072]
- Matrix
Symbols representing content placed in a rectangular arrangement of rows and columns. [D05864]
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- Matrix Management
 A cooperative organizational approach in which:
The project manager often actually "buys" these services with project funds. [D04140]
Organizations were traditionally managed by a series of functional departments. Projects cut across departmental boundaries and create a matrix. Types of matrix include Functional, Coordinated, Balanced, Secondment and Project. [D03868]
- Matrix Organization
 A combination of the advantages of the pure functional (traditional) structure and the product organizational structure. The project manager has total responsibility and accountability for project success, functional managers provide technical and business assistance to the project manager from outside the project management office. [D03652]
An organizational structure that uses functional supervisors as well as project supervisors to manage the same people, depending on the assignment. A strong matrix is similar to a pure project organization, while a weak matrix operates more like a functional organization. [D01000]
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An organizational Structure where the lines of responsibility go in at least two directions. [D01001]
Any organizational structure in which the project manager shares responsibility with the functional managers for assigning priorities and for directing the work of individuals assigned to the project. Editor's Note: This sharing of both assigning priorities and direction of the work will cause conflict unless a proper division of responsibilities is agreed. [D01003]
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The form of organization in which there is a project management functional specialty as well as other functional specialties, and where the project management function has responsibility for accomplishing the project work by drawing upon the other functional specialties as required. [D01004]
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A two dimensional organizational structure in which the horizontal and vertical intersections represent different staffing positions with responsibility divided between the horizontal and vertical authorities. [D01005]
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- Matrix Responsibilities
A method of allocating precise responsibilities to a project team. [D01006]
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- Matrix Responsibility Chart
A chart showing the respective authorities and responsibilities of personnel working in a matrix organization. [D03006]
- Matrix, in management
The interface structure between functional and project management which defines the vertical and horizontal intersections of responsibility/authority involved in the management of projects. See also Matrix Organization. [D03005]
- Maturity
 Two meanings:
- The state of being fully developed
- The termination of the period that an obligation has to run
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Full development of capabilities that can produce repeatable success in project management processes and of the skills that prevent common problems in project implementation. [D05799]
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- Maturity Level
 The measure of capability achievement ranked on a scale of required proficiency. [D05390]
A well-defined evolutionary plateau toward achieving a mature software acquisition process. The five maturity levels in the SA-CMM are Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Quantitative, and Optimizing. [D05189]
A well-defined evolutionary plateau of process improvement. [D05800]
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A well-defined evolutionary plateau towards achieving a mature process (five levels are often cited: initial, repeatable, defined, managed and optimizing). [D06054]
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- Maturity Model
A published framework as a basis for determining the degree of maturity of an organization, particularly one in the field of project management. [D03008]
- Maximum Price
The upper limit of payment in some types of contract; the most a buyer is willing to pay to a seller for specified goods and/or services. [D03009]
See Management by Methods
See Management by Objectives
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