- Shareholder Manager Style
A management approach in which little or no information input or exchange takes place within the team, but the team has the ultimate authority for the final decision. [D06265]
- Shareholders
 Those who own or hold shares in a property. [D03270]
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Owners of one or more shares of a corporation usually evidenced by the holding of certificates or other formal documents. [D06266]
- Shipment
Freight transported or to be transported. [D03570]
- Shop Drawings
Drawings submitted by the construction contractor or a subcontractor showing in detail:
- The proposed fabrication and assembly of structural elements
- The installation (i.e., form, fit, and attachment details) of materials or equipment, or
- Both.
- Shop Inspection
An inspection of fabricated or assembled parts at the manufacturer's plant prior to shipment to the project site. [D03271]
- Short List
A limited list developed from a total list of proposers or bidders who have responded to a procurement invitation. It is based on filtering according to predefined criteria. [D05733]
- Short Term
Anything occurring over a short period of time, typically in the immediate future [D03015]
- Short Term Plan
 A schedule typically covering the work to be done over the next reporting period and showing it in considerable detail. Ideally, it should show the actual work being done at the end of the previous period to demonstrate continuity, and extend well into the next reporting period to indicate anticipated work in that following period. [D02262]
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A short duration schedule, usually 4 to 8 weeks, used to show in detail the activities and responsibilities for a particular period. A management technique often used "as needed" or in a critical area of the project. [D01841]
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- Short Term Schedule
See Short Term Plan. [D01842]
- Should-Cost Estimate
 An estimate of contract price which reflects reasonably achievable economy and efficiency. Its purpose is to develop a realistic price objective for negotiation purposes. [D04657]
An estimate of the cost of a product or service used to provide an assessment of the reasonableness of a prospective contractor's proposed cost. [D01843]
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- Show Stopper
 A problem or issue so serious that, if not fixed, will cause the project to fail. See also Fatal Flaw. [D05499]
An event or condition serious enough to halt or severely impede a project unless confronted and eliminated. [D03690]
- Significant Variance
A difference between the plan and actual performance that jeopardizes the project objectives. [D06267]
- Sign-Off
The formal acceptance of a planned or proposed course of action, constituting authority for the planner or proposer to proceed with the action. Key sign-offs in the project life-cycle, by Owner and User, occur at the conclusion of the concept and planning phases. [D01844]
- Simulation
 The representation of the functioning of one system or process by imitating it through the functioning of another. For example, simulation by either physical or mathematical modeling. [D03272]
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See also Computer Modeling. [D03090]
- Simultaneous Engineering/Design
See Concurrent Engineering. [D03273]
- Single Source
One supplier providing the entire quantity of goods or services required even though other competitive suppliers are available. [D06268]
- Single Sourcing
The deliberate choice of going with one supplier. See also Sole Sourcing. [D05839]
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- Site
The location and ground occupied, or to be occupied, by the project. [D03274]
- Site Instruction
See Field Clarification. [D00849]
- Site Layout
The physical configuration of the facilities to be built on a site. The act of "laying out" the site for construction purposes. [D03275]
- Site Preparation
The physical preparation of a site ready for commencement of construction, such as simply establishing access, or its preparation prior to the main construction with a major effort such as reducing the topography to a common level. [D03276]
- Site Works
Works on a site that are generally auxiliary to the main facility, such as the installation of utilities and roads. [D03277]
- Situation Analysis
 A description of all relevant aspects of the current situation. [D01845]
A review process used to identify and define facts and variables that might influence a situation. [D06269]
- Situation Planning
The design of process, organization, etc. based on an analysis of the current project situation. [D01846]
- Situational
 The way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings. The conditions associated with position or place of employment. The relative position or combination of circumstances at a certain moment. [D03278]
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Responsive to conditions and circumstances. [D05500]
- Six Sigma
A quality concept and aim developed by Motorola, Inc. and defined as a measure of goodness, i.e. the capability of a process to produce perfect work. Six sigma refers to the number of standard deviations from the average setting of a process to the tolerance limit that in statistical terms translates to 3.4 defects per million opportunities for error. [D06270]
- Sizing Estimate
See Estimate Class C [D02239]
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- Skewness
An attribute of the frequency distribution curve often associated with project cost and schedule in which the curve is asymmetrical (i.e. skewed). Since many project cost or duration variables can be larger rather than smaller, it is common to find the maximum value of the range farther from the base estimate than is the minimum value. Thus the median value will be higher than the base estimate and the difference between the two will be the contingency. [D05734]
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- Skill
An ability and competence learned by practice. [D01847]
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- Skill Groups
Some computer packages allow the definition of resources by their skills. The scheduling algorithm then chooses the most appropriate resource for an activity based on its availability and skill. [D01848]
- Skills
A feature of hierarchical resources that allows you to assign an attribute to a resource, and to define the resource requirement for an activity in terms of that attribute. [D01849]
- Skunk Works
 An American slang term coined to refer to a group who are seen to be not part of the formal organizational hierarchy and hence are relatively free of executive interference. They are left to do "their own thing", apparently very successfully. [D03279]
See also Quick Reaction Capability. [D04209]
A collocated project environment to shorten communication paths and to keep functional contributors close to one another and to the project activity centers. Editor's Note: The "global economy" has made the "virtual team", a team connected only by the information highway, a real necessity and the antithesis of a skunk works. [D04234]
- Slack
 Originally the flexibility in the dates of an event in an activity on arrow network i.e. (late event time - early event time). Latterly used synonymously with float, mainly in software originating in America. [D03949]
See also Float. [D01850]
Term used in PERT for float. [D01851]
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- Slack Time
 The amount of time a task can slip before it affects another task’s dates or the project finish date. [D01857]
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In a network diagram, the amount of time on any path other than the critical path that is the difference between the time to a common node on the critical path and the other path. [D01856]
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- Slip Chart
A pictorial representation of the predicted completion dates of milestones (also referred to as Trend Chart. [D04526]
- Slippage
 The amount of time a task has been delayed from its original baseline plan. The slippage is the difference between the scheduled start or finish date for a task and the baseline start or finish date. Slippage can occur when a baseline plan is set and the actual dates subsequently entered for tasks are later than the baseline dates or the actual durations are longer than the baseline plan durations. [D01858]
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The amount of slack or float time used up by the current activity due to a delayed start. If an activity without float is delayed, the entire project will slip. [D01859]
See Summary Level Variance Analysis Reporting
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