- Intellectual Property
A concept, idea, notion, thought, or process, including a computer program, that is definable, measurable, and proprietary in nature. [D06011]
- Intellectual Property Rights
Rights of the author under copyright law designed to protect intellectual property such as any published works of literature, art, etc. in whatever form. [D02876]
- Intelligence
The ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations. [D00859]
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- Intention for Bid ("IFB")
Communications, written or oral by the prospective organizations and/or individuals indicating their willingness to perform the specified work. This could be a letter, statement of qualifications or response to a request for proposal/quotation. [D00860]
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- Interactive
Mutually or reciprocally active. For example: any two-way electronic communication system, e.g. telephone, cell phone, computer, etc that enables both question and answer. [D02877]
- Interactive Project Planning
Project planning carried out in active cooperation between project participants. Forms a contrast to project planning centralized in the project manager. [D00861]
- Interdependencies
The relationships among organizational functions in which one function, task, or activity is dependent on others. [D06012]
- Interdependencies Among Groups
Established or logical reciprocal relationships between people or things that determines the behavior or performance of the whole. [D02878]
- Interdependent
Determined by a reciprocal relationship. [D02879]
- Interest During Construction ("IDC")
 The cumulative interest on borrowed funds during project execution and prior to the start of repayment. [D06435]
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The cost of borrowing money to meet project construction expenditures. [D00863]
- Interest Rate of Return
See Profitability Index. [D00862]
- Interested Parties
People or groups who are interested in the performance and/or success of the project, or who are constrained by the project. A synonym for Stakeholders. Client and Customer are subsets of Interested Parties. [D06436]
- Interested Party
Person or group affected by the project process or result. [D00864]
- Interface
 The functional and physical characteristics required to exist at a common boundary or connection between persons, or between systems, or between persons and systems. [D03634]
Area, surface or function providing and regulating contact between two elements of a system. [D00865]
A common physical or functional boundary between different organizations or contractor's products. It is usually defined by an interface specification and managed by a system integration organization. [D04120]
A collection of operations that are used to specify a service of a class or a component. [D04845]
A shared boundary across which information is passed. [D05376]
- Interface Activity
An activity connecting anode in one subnet with a node in another subnet, representing logical interdependence. The activity identifies points of interaction or commonality between the project activities and outside influences. [D00866]
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- Interface Control Plan
The documented approach to interface management and usually includes approach to management of interface specifications and interface control working group meetings. [D04121]
- Interface Control Working Group
The forum managed by the system integrator to discuss interface status, and resolve issues involving interface compatibility. [D04122]
- Interface Management
 The management of communication, coordination and responsibility across a common boundary between two organizations, phases, or physical entities which are interdependent. [D00868]
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Managing the problems that often occur among people, departments, and disciplines rather than within the project team itself. [D00867]
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The process of identifying, documenting, scheduling, communicating, and monitoring interfaces related to the product and the project. The three major types of interfaces are:
- Personal and interpersonal
- Organizational, and
- System or technical.
- Interface Program
A computer program that relates status system line items to their parent activities in the project plan. [D00869]
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- Interface Requirements Specification
A document used to define the interface between computer software configuration items and other configuration items within the system. This document is identical to the interface specification or intraface specification. [D04123]
- Interface Specification
The specification that defines the physical, functional, and operational characteristics of the interfaces between two entities of a system managed by different organizations. [D04124]
- Interfaces
The formal and informal boundaries and relationships among people, departments, organizations, or functions. [D00870]
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- Interfacing
The process of establishing a satisfactory working boundary between two adjacent parts. See Interface. [D02880]
- Interference
either- Conduct that unreasonably interrupts normal operations and hinders performance of the work, or
- Parts, or processes, that interfere one with another preventing the completion of the whole. [D05004]
- Interfering Float
The portion of total float which affects other activities but not the project finish date.
Free Float + Interfering Float = Total Float [D05005]
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- Interim Deliverables
Intermediate deliverables that will be produced as precursors to the final deliverable. [D02197]
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- Internal control
The process of ensuring the procedures and policies adequately supports the strategy. [D06437]
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- Internal Customer Acceptance Criteria
The criteria that an internal customer will use to determine if he/she is satisfied with an interim deliverable. See also Customer Acceptance Criteria. [D02192]
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- Internal Politics
Politics within the organization that have an effect on the project. [D02881]
- Internal Project Sources
Intra-firm sources and records including historical data on similar procurements, cost and performance data on various suppliers and other data which could assist in proposed procurements. [D00871]
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- Internal Rate of Return ("IRR")
 Expressed as an annual percentage rate, IRR for a project describes the speed at which its product returns wealth to the organization. [D06438]
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Simple calculation of annual financial return for a given outlay without consideration of any external or related factors. [D02883]
See Discounted Cash Flow. [D03061]
The return that can be earned on the capital invested in the project, i.e. the discount rate which gives an NPV of zero. This is equivalent to the yield on the investment. [D05006]
The interest rate that makes net present value of all cash flow equal to zero. [D05377]
- Internal Rate of Return ("IRR")
The annual rate of earning on an investment. IRR equates the value of the cash returns with invested cash and considers the application of compound interest factors. [D06014]
- Internal Replanning
Replanning actions performed by the contractor for any remaining effort within project scope. [D04641]
- Internal Risk
See Risk, Internal [D06015]
- International Projects
Projects that span national boundaries. [D02885]
- Internet
 The public system of electronic communication based on a very larger number of interconnected data storage devices (servers) world wide. [D02898]
The vast collection of interconnected networks that all use the TCP/IP protocols and that evolved from the ARPANET of the late 1960s and early 1970s. [D04846]
- Internet Protocol ("IP")
See Internet Protocol Address [D04847]
- Internet Protocol Address
A numeric address that uniquely identifies every computer connected to a network. For example, [D04848]
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