- Start Event of a Project
Event with succeeding, but no preceding activities.
Note: There may be more than one start event. [D04533]
- Start Float
The amount of excess time an activity has between its Early Start and Late Start dates. [D01900]
- Start to Finish
See Logical Relationship. [D01903]
- Start to Start
See Logical Relationship. [D01901]
- Start to Start Lag
The minimum amount of time that must pass between the start of one activity and the start of its successor(s). This may be expressed in terms of duration or percentage. [D01904]
- Starting Activity
A starting activity has no predecessors. It does not have to wait for any other activity to start. Many PM software packages permit multiple start activities if needed. [D01902]
- Startup
The period after the date of initial operation, during which the unit is brought up to acceptable production capacity and quality. Often confused with the date of initial operation. Editor's Note: This definition clearly refers to "Full Production". Also, this Startup refers to the startup of the project's deliverable and not the startup of the project itself with which it is often confused. [D06282]
- Startup Team Leader
The person designated responsibility for all startup procedures and the orderly acceptance and transfer of the facility/system/product to the ‘care, custody and control’ of the Operating Division. [D01906]
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- State Machine
A specification of the behavior of a model element, defining its response to events and the life cycle of the object. [D04880]
- State of the Art
The level to which technology and science have been developed to date in a given industry, or group of industries. [D03696]
- Statement of Work ("SOW")
 A narrative description of the work to be performed. [D01911]
A narrative description of products or services to be supplied under contract. [D01907]
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The part of the request for proposal and resulting contract which describes the actual work to be done under the contract. It includes a description of the tasks the provider shall perform and the identification and schedule of the deliverable contract end items. [D01908]
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A description of product and service to be procured under contract; a statement of requirements. [D01909]
That portion of a proposal or the resulting contract that states exactly what will be delivered and when. Editor's Note: This definition is more properly a "Scope Description". [D01910]
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A document that defines service contract requirements in clear, concise language identifying specific work to be accomplished. [D03576]
A document stating the requirements for a given project task. Editor's Note: This definition presumes that the "Requirements" are expressed in terms of the work involved rather than the deliverables. [D04534]
A description of all the work required to complete a project, which is provided by the customer. [D05213]
A document that explicitly defines the work a contractor must perform to satisfy the contract. [D05508]
A document that defines the procurement requirements of the project in sufficient detail to enable potential suppliers to determine if they are able to meet those requirements. [D06283]
- State-of-the-Art
Leading edge technology that is currently available. [D05509]
- Static Artifact
An artifact that is used, but not changed, by a process. [D04881]
- Statistical Project Stock Control
Where significant stocks are held to meet demands, or intermittent peak demands, this technique seeks to minimize total cost, while considering a variety factors. These factors include the cost of placing an order;, discounts available on bulk order and delivery; cost of holding stock including capital tied up; deterioration, higher usage and wastage if freely available; over ordering; obsolescence; cost of warehousing; demand variability; and lost productivity when out of stock. The technique has limited application unless the project is large with few work packages or many similar projects are supplied from a central store. Beware of solutions provided by computer programs that may not recognize specific project conditions. See also Computer Modeling. [D03092]
- Statistical Quality Control
Various statistical methods and relationships are available for determining performance quality and the adjustment necessary to achieve specified results. Used particularly in the sampling of high volume materials such as steel and concrete strengths, earthwork compaction and so on. Indirectly, tests and helps to maintain quality of workmanship as in weld testing. The aim is to balance the cost of inspection against the penalty of allowing faulty materials and workmanship to escape detection. It is particularly useful for concrete control on large heavy engineering projects such as hydro electric schemes. [D03091]
- Statistics
The mathematical methods used to determine the best range of probable values for a project and to assess the degree of accuracy or allowance for unpredictable future events such as accidents, technological innovations, strikes, etc. that can occur during the project life. The techniques that can be used are risk analysis with Monte Carlo simulation, confidence levels, range analysis, etc. [D01912]
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- Status
 The comparison of actual progress against the plan to determine variance and corrective action. [D04243]
The condition of the project at a specified point in time, [D01913]
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- Status Date
 A date that is set (rather than the current date) for purposes of evaluating and projecting, based on the project's trends so far, where you can expect costs, work and other aspects of the project to be on the status date set. [D01914]
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See also Time Now. [D01915]
- Status Report
 A comparison of actual progress against plan. Editor's Note: It should also encompass a comparison of forecast "At Completion" against "Planned Completion". [D05510]
A written report given to both the project team and to a responsible person on a regular basis stating the position of an activity, work package, or whole project. Status Reports should be used to control the project and to keep management informed of project status. [D01916]
A report issued by the project team that provides an overview on the status of the project. Usually included are scope, quality, risk, schedule, staffing effort and spending status. [D02226]
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Project progress, variance, and corrective actions are summarized by project mangers in brief status reports. These are collated by the program support office into a program progress report which is issued prior to each program executive meeting. The reports should cover forecasts of problem areas as well as overall program performance. [D05124]
A formal report on the input, issues, and actions resulting from a status meeting. [D06284]
- Status Review
An examination of the project to discuss variances and approve corrective action. See Monthly Status Review. [D04244]
- Status System
System for tracking status at lowest level of detail. [D01917]
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- Statusing
Indicating most current project status. [D01918]
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- Steering Committee
 A group of high-level stakeholders who are responsible for providing guidance on overall strategic direction. They do not take the place of a sponsor, but help to spread the strategic input and buy-in to a larger portion of the organization. The steering committee is usually made up of organizational peers, and is a combination of direct customers and indirect stakeholders. [D05125]
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 In project portfolio management, a group of "Executive"-level clients and stakeholders who are responsible for providing portfolio strategic guidance, prioritization and approval of the "Work" for the portfolio and then monitoring the portfolio throughout the year. If new work comes up or if changes occur in the authorized workload, the Steering Committee determines the impact on the portfolio and adjusts accordingly. [D06285]
Formal group representing the owner or client. [D01919]
A key body within the project's governance structure that is responsible for the business issues. This includes approving the budget strategy, defining and realizing benefits, monitoring risks, quality, and timelines, making policy and resourcing decisions, and assessing requests for changes to the scope of the project. [D05511]
- Steering Committee Charter
The organization's terms of reference for a project steering committee. It describes the basic role and functions both as a collective group and as individual members. [D05512]
- Steering Group
A body established to monitor the project and give guidance to the project sponsor or project manager. [D04535]
- Step
A term used in some methodologies to describe the lowest level of the work breakdown structure. [D03952]
- Stochastic
Probabilistic and not deterministic. [D06286]
- Stochastic Model
See Monte Carlo Simulation [D05126]
- Stop Work Order
 A contractual order by the buyer to a contractor to cease work on a contract or activity until permitted to resume. Must be for good reason such as safety concerns. [D05513]
Request for interim stoppage of work due to non-conformance, or funding or technical limitations. [D01920]
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- Storage Quality Control
The technical inspection of materiel received from vendors which was not previously inspected at source and for which acceptance at destination is required; inspection of materiel returned from consuming installations for return to stores, forwarding to repair facilities, for release to disposal areas; the examination and testing of samples of supplies selected from storage to assess the overall quality of materiel stored, and the identification of previously unidentified materiel in store; and inspection of materiel prior to shipping to using activities. [D01921]
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- Storming
The second stage of team building where conflicts arise as members of the group try to exert leadership and exert influence over methods of operation. [D03953]
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