- Scope Control
See Scope Change Control. [D05731]
- Scope Cost
Basic budgetary constraints. [D01814]
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- Scope Creep
 The addition of features and/or functionality to product scope without corresponding adjustment to customer-approved time or cost. [D06359]
On-going requirements increase without corresponding adjustment of approved cost and schedule allowances. As some projects progress, especially through the definition and development phases, requirements tend to change incrementally, causing the project manager to add to the project's mission or objectives without getting a corresponding increase in the time and budget allowances. [D02279]
The term often used to describe the continual extension of the scope of some projects. Often leading to a runaway project. [D03945]
Any modification to the scope of a project that has not been authorized or approved by the appropriate individual or group. [D05227]
The addition of work as a result of poor or incomplete or vague definition of project scope. [D06254]
The gradual progressive increase of the project's scope such that it is not noticed by the project management team or the customer. Typically occurs when the customer identifies additional, sometimes minor, requirements that, when added together, may collectively result in a significant scope change and cause cost and schedule overruns. [D06255]
- Scope Criteria
Standards or rules composed of parameters to be considered in defining the project. [D01815]
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- Scope Definition
 The division of the major deliverables into smaller, more manageable components to:
- Improve the accuracy of cost, time, and resource estimates
- Define a baseline for performance measurement and control
- Facilitate clear responsibility assignments.
Editor's Note: See also Work Breakdown Structure. [D06256]
Breaking down a deliverable in to smaller manageable parts to ensure better control. [D01816]
- Scope Description
A detailed description of the final deliverable [D02210]
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- Scope Interfaces
Points of interaction between the project or its components and its/their respective environments. [D01817]
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- Scope Management
 The function of developing, managing and producing the project's scope, from given goals and objectives through explicit definition to production to satisfactory delivery of the required product. [D05117]
The function of developing and maintaining project scope. [D01819]
The function of controlling a project in terms of its goals and objectives through the processes of conceptual development, full definition or scope statement, execution and termination. [D01818]
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The process of prioritizing and determining the set of requirements that can be implemented in a particular release cycle, based on the resources and time available. This process continues throughout the lifecycle of the project as changes occur. See also change management. [D04769]
- Scope Management Plan
The documented and agreed policies, procedures and guidelines for directing and controlling the project's scope. A part of the Project Management Plan. [D05732]
- Scope of Work
 The work content of a project or any component of a project, such as a work package or a cost class, e.g. a summary description of the work involved in constructing a product Editor's Note: Scope of Work describes the work involved in producing the product of the project, whereas "Scope" or the "Scope Statement" describes the resulting product itself. [D01823]
A chronological description of the work to be accomplished or resources to be supplied. [D01820]
A narrative description of the work to be accomplished or resource to be supplied. [D01821]
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A statement of the work content of a project required to achieve the project scope. The work content of a project is the sum of all necessary tasks and activities required to complete the project scope in its entirety (i.e. its complete work breakdown structure). See also Work Scope. [D01822]
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The work involved in the design, fabrication and assembly of the components of a project's deliverable into a working product. [D02625]
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A description of the totality of work to be accomplished or resources to be supplied under a contract. Editor's Note: Note that Scope of Work refers to the work involved in the project rather than the deliverables. [D06257]
See also Statement of Work [D06258]
- Scope Performance/Quality
Basic objective of the project. Defines the characteristics of the project's end product as required by the sponsor. [D01824]
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- Scope Quality
The degree to which the final deliverable meets the customer’s acceptance criteria. [D02211]
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- Scope Reporting
A process of periodically documenting the status of basic project parameters during the course of a project. The three areas of scope reporting are: [D01825]
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- Scope Risk
The potential problems the team might encounter in creation of a final deliverable. Also known as technical risk. [D02212]
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- Scope Risk Limits
The limit for how much risk the organization is willing to accept in the creation of the deliverables. [D02213]
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- Scope Schedule
Basic time constraints. [D01826]
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- Scope Statement
 A documented description of the project's output or deliverables. [D01827]
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A summary description of the project's measurable products, intermediate or end-items, or deliverables. [D01828]
- Scope Verification
Ensuring all identified project deliverables have been completed satisfactorily. [D01829]
- Score
An account or reckoning. A number that expresses accomplishment or excellence (as in quality) either absolutely in points gained or by comparison to a standard. Success in obtaining something. [D03257]
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- Scoring
Ranking of competing items based on assigning numerical values for certain properties. [D05492]
- Scoring a Project's Contribution
An assessment of the contribution to the company of each of its projects using a technique called "Balanced Scorecard" that suggests that the health of a business be sized up from four different angles: financial, client, internal processes, learning and growth. [D04352]
- Scoring Model
In project portfolio management, a set of weighted criteria and corresponding key indicators to measure and score components for comparison and prioritization purposes. [D06259]
- Scoring Plan
Scoring plans provide guidance to proposal evaluators to ensure an orderly and uniform approach for evaluating proposals. It is part of the Source Selection Plan. [D04230]
See System Concept Review
- Scrap
Property that has no value except for its basic material content. [D03567]
- Screening
 Determination of suitability and acceptance based on rules and standards. [D05493]
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Techniques used for reviewing, analyzing, ranking and selecting the best alternative for the proposed action. [D01830]
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- Screening Inspection
Inspection in which each item of product is inspected for designated characteristics and all defective items are removed. [D01831]
- SD
See Standard Deviation
See Software Development Library
See System Design Review
See Self Directed Work Teams
- Sealed Bid
A competitive bidding process where tenders are submitted in sealed envelopes and opened at a prescribed time, usually in public. Late-delivered tenders are discarded unopened. [D05494]
- Sealed Bidding
A method of contracting in which competitive bids are opened in public and awards made on the basis of lowest price of a compliant bid. [D03568]
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