- Kaizen
A Japanese term for continuous improvement. [D06028]
- Key
In project management, typically means an item that is a deciding factor, i.e. is critical, instrumental or central to arriving at some determination. [D02913]
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- Key Criteria
In project portfolio management, predetermined measures, values or conditions used in a scoring model to measure alignment with strategic goals. [D06029]
- Key Descriptors
In project portfolio management, a set of characteristics used to categorize and document a component for further decision-making. It might include among others, specifics about scope, schedule, budget, actual performance (using key performance indicators), class, category, evaluation scores, priority, and approval status. [D06030]
- Key Event Schedule
 A schedule comprised of key events or milestones. These events are generally critical accomplishments planned at time intervals throughout the project and used as a basis to monitor overall project performance. The format may be either network or bar chart and may contain minimal detail at a highly summarized level. This is often referred to as a milestone schedule. [D00883]
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See also Master Schedule. [D00884]
- Key Events
Major events the achievement of which that are deemed to be critical to the execution of the project.
- Key Indicators
In project portfolio management, a set of parameters that permits visibility into how a component measures up to a given criterion. [D06031]
- Key Performance
Performance that is critical to the project. See Key Performance Indicators. [D02914]
- Key Performance Indicator ("KPI")
A financial or non-financial measure used to help an organization measure progress toward a stated organizational goal or objective. Indicators that focus on the value in the process used to achieve the end results. See also Critical Success Factors. Editor's Note: This definition is in the context of corporate management rather than project management. [D06441]
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- Key Performance Indicators ("KPI")
 Those project management indicators that:
And at completion of the project these KPIs:
Editor's Note: See also Key Success Indicators. Key Performance Indicators tend to focus more on the management success of the project. [D03442]
Measurable indicators that will be used to report progress that are chosen to reflect the critical success factors of the project. [D00885]
Major criteria against which the project performance is measured. [D06442]
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- Key Personnel
 People who are critical to the project organization. [D02915]
Those persons assigned by name to a project who cannot be replaced without approval of the buyer. [D04126]
- Key Success Indicators ("KSI")
Those project management indicators that:
And, after completion of the project:
Editor's Note: See also Key Performance Indicators. Key Success Indicators focus more on the success of the product. [D00886]
- Kickback
Any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind which is provided, directly or indirectly, to any individual or contractor for the purpose of improperly obtaining or for rewarding favorable treatment typically in connection with some form of contract. [D03521]
- Kick-Off
See Initiation. [D02916]
- Kickoff Meeting
A meeting held to acquaint stakeholders with the project and each other; presumes the presence of the customer and serves as an initial review of project scope and activities. Usually conducted after contract award or a decision to initiate a project. [D06032]
- Kick-Off Meeting
 Ideally, a workshop type meeting in which the principle stakeholders and participants in the project are briefed on the goals and objectives of the project, how it will be organized, etc. and who are then able to contribute to its planning, assignment of responsibilities, target dates, etc. [D02917]
A meeting of representatives of all groups involved in the project execution, to come to a common understanding of the project responsibilities, scope of work and safety program. [D05013]
A workshop to assemble the team, accomplish teambuilding and to plan the project. [D05380]
- Kinesics
A study of communication through body movement. [D06033]
- Knowledge
 The fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association. For example: the sum of what is known such as the tools and techniques of effective project management. [D02918]
Actionable information that has the potential to contribute to a desirable outcome if acted upon. [D06443]
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- Knowledge Base
The sum of knowledge that is basic to the given circumstances, e.g. the organization's estimating database, or anecdotal records of risk events on past projects, etc. [D02919]
- Knowledge Management
 The acquisition, management and distribution of relevant information to the parties who need to know. [D02920]
A collection of systems, processes, and procedures designed to acquire and share the intellectual assets of an organization. [D06034]
A systematic process for acquiring, creating, synthesizing, sharing, and using information, insights, and experiences to transform ideas into business value. [D06035]
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See also Project Knowledge Management. [D06036]
The fostering of an organizational culture that facilitates and encourages the creation, sharing and use of knowledge. [D06037]
- Known, Known-unknown, Unknown-unknown
A method of classifying risks according to the amount of information available. [D00887]
- Known-Unknown
See Known, Known-Unknown, Unknown-Unknown method. [D00888]
See Key Performance Indicators
See Key Performance Indicator
See Key Success Indicators
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