- Reschedule
The process of changing the logic, duration, and/or dates of an existing schedule in response to external imposed conditions. [D01648]
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- Rescheduling
A feature of most PM software that recalculates the start and finish dates of all uncompleted activities based upon progress as of a specified date. [D03606]
- Rescission
The release of a party from all obligations under a contract. [D06206]
- Research
The collecting of information about a particular subject. Studious inquiry or examination, especially investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, or the revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts. Careful and diligent search. [D03239]
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- Research and Development
Technical pursuit of a new technology or design to support a strategic goal. [D04222]
- Reserve
A provision in the project plan to mitigate cost and/or schedule risk. Often used with a modifier (e.g., management reserve, contingency reserve) to provide further detail on what types of risk are meant to be mitigated. Editor's Note: Unfortunately, the specific meaning of the modified terms vary by project management application area and may be contradictory. [D01649]
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- Reserve Analysis
An examination of the allocation and use of project funds either for financial purposes or to verify usage according to established policies. [D05716]
- Reserve For Scope Changes
A sum of money set aside for changes in the Owner's requirements and to be used only at the direction of the Owner. [D01650]
- Reserve Fund
Upon proper authorization, funds to be used when current allocations are not sufficient to meet expenditures. [D06514]
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- Residential Construction
The construction, alteration, or repair of single family houses or apartment buildings of no more than four stories in height, and typically includes incidental items such as site work, parking areas, utilities, streets and sidewalks. [D03561]
- Residual Risk
A risk that still remains even after providing for, or taking, mitigative action. [D05717]
- Residual Risks
Those risks which are not avoided, eliminated or transferred in the risk mitigation strategy. [D05088]
- Residual Value
 The proceeds, less removal and disposal costs, if any, realized upon disposition of a tangible capital asset. [D03562]
The value of a fixed asset after depreciation charges have been subtracted from its original cost. [D06207]
- Residue File
A file in the same format as the resource availability file containing a specification of the resources remaining after a project is scheduled. [D01651]
- Resolution
The finding of a solution to, and disposal of, a problem or issue. Reduction of complex notions into simpler ones, e.g. the development of a work breakdown structure. A formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group. [D03240]
- Resource
 Any personnel, material or equipment required for the performance of an activity.
Note: Time is not a resource. It is the measure of the duration for which a resource is needed or used. Also, money is better not thought of as a resource, except in financing. It is better seen as the basis of evaluation of the resources used by an activity or task. [D05089]
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An item required to accomplish an activity. Resources can be people, equipment, facilities, funding or anything else needed to perform the work of a project. [D01652]
Any factors, except time, required or consumed to accomplish an activity. Any substantive requirement of an activity that can be quantified and defined, e.g. manpower, equipment, material, etc. [D01653]
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Project input (time, money, labor, machinery, etc.) [D01654]
Anything that is assigned to an activity or needed to complete an activity. This may include equipment, people, buildings, etc. [D03607]
Any variable capable of definition that is required for the completion of an activity and may constrain the project. Resources can be people, equipment, facilities, funding or anything else needed to perform the work of a project.
Note 1: A resource may be non-storable so that its availability has to be renewed for each time period (even if it was not utilized in previous time periods).
Note 2: A resource may be storable so that it remains available unless depleted by usage. Such a resource may also be replenished by activities producing credited and storable resource. [D04499]
- Resource Accumulation
Process of accumulating the requirements for each resource to give the total required to date at all times throughout the project. [D04502]
- Resource Aggregation
 Summation of the requirements for each resource, and for each time period.
Note: Where the earliest start time of an activity is used alone, it is often termed an "early start" aggregation. Similarly a "late start" aggregation uses the latest start times. [D04500]
Totaling the requirement for a specific resource. [D01655]
- Resource Allocation
 The assignment of resources to tasks in a project. [D01657]
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Distribution of resources over time or project parts. [D01656]
An iterative process of computing the schedule considering the limited availability of resources so that both time and cost may be minimized.
Progress on certain types of project can be constrained more by limitations of resources (people, machines, materials and money) than by logical sequence dictated by technical considerations. Generally such projects are "horizontal" e.g. Highway construction, rather than "vertical" e.g. High rise construction, although the latter may be constrained by both considerations. The resource loading required can only be determined after a schedule of activities has been developed. The schedule may then be modified, possibly prolonged, either to reduce the total resources required to complete the project or to "level" out peak demands. This avoids congestion at some times and inefficient resource usage at others. [D03087]
The assignment of people, equipment, facilities, or materials to a project. Unless adequate resources are provided, project work cannot be completed on schedule, and resource allocation is a significant component of project scheduling. [D03727]
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- Resource Allocation Process
The scheduling of activities in a network with the knowledge of certain resource constraints and requirements. This process adjusts activity level start and finish dates to conform to resource availability and use. [D01658]
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- Resource Analysis
A term for resource leveling and resource smoothing. [D01659]
- Resource Assignment
The work on an activity related to a specific resource. [D01660]
- Resource Availability
 The extent to which resources are available to meet the project's needs. [D03241]
The level of availability of a resource, which may vary over time. [D01661]
- Resource Availability Date
The calendar date when a resource pool becomes available for a given resource. [D01662]
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- Resource Availability Pool
The amount of resource availability for any given allocation period. [D01663]
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- Resource Breakdown Structure ("RBS")
A feature of hierarchical resources that facilitates both roll-up reporting and summary resource scheduling by enabling you to schedule at the detailed requirements level, and roll up both requirements and availabilities to a higher level. [D01664]
- Resource Buffer
A designed amount of time reserved for resources that may need additional time to run their leg of the relay when their predecessor is complete. Unlike other buffers, they do not directly impact the lead time or scheduling of the project, but rather serve as a wake-up call when needed. [D05584]
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- Resource Calendar
A calendar that defines the working and non-working patterns for specific resources. See also Project Calendar. [D01665]
- Resource Category
Type of resource. [D01666]
- Resource Code
The code used to identify a given resource type. [D01667]
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- Resource Conflict
A situation that arises because of the allocation of one resource to more than one task. [D06208]
- Resource Constraint
Limitation due to the availability of a resource. [D04501]
- Resource Description
The actual name or identification associated with a resource code. [D01668]
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- Resource Driven Task Durations
Task durations that are driven by the need for scarce resources. [D01669]
- Resource Effort
The amount of effort resources are assigned to the task and their allocation. [D05090]
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- Resource Group
A set of resources that share some characteristics and that is categorized by a group name, such as job function, skill or contractor. [D01670]
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- Resource Histogram
A view of project data in which resource requirements, usage, and availability are shown against a time scale. [D01671]
- Resource Identification
Identification of potential sources that could provide the specified material or services. These sources could be identified either from the firm/project list of vendors or by advertising the need of procurement. [D01672]
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- Resource Level
A specified level of resource units required by an activity per time unit. [D01673]
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