- Finish to Start Lag
The minimum amount of time that must pass between the finish of one activity and the start of its successor(s). The default finish-to-start lag is zero. All lags are calculated when a project has its schedule computed. In most cases, Finish-to-Start lags are not used with other lag types. [D00691]
- Finishing Activity
The last activity that must be completed before a project can be considered finished. This activity is not a predecessor to any other activity, it has no successors. Many PM software packages allow for multiple finish activities. [D00689]
- Firewall
A computer, or programmable device, with associated software which can be used to restrict traffic passing through it according to defined rules. Controls would typically be applied based on the origin or destination address and the TCP/IP port number. [D04836]
- Firm Fixed Price Contract ("FFP")
 A contract where the buyer pays a set amount to the seller regardless of that seller's cost to complete the work. [D00694]
A contractual form in which the price and fee are predetermined and not dependent on cost. [D00692]
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A lump sum contract where the supplier agrees to furnish goods or services at a fixed price. [D00693]
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A contract that provides for a price that is not subject to any adjustment on the basis of the contractor’s cost experience in performing the contract. [D03502]
- Firmware
 The read only computer instructions resident within hardware. [D04098]
Software programs contained in read-only memory. [D00695]
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- First In, First Out ("FIFO")
For inventory accounting purposes, the first unit into the inventory is assumed to be the first unit to be drawn out. The inventory value assigned to any unit drawn out is the value of the first unit recorded as still being in inventory. It does not matter which unit is physically drawn out of inventory. See also LIFO. [D03503]
- Fiscal Year
Any 12-month period for financial planning and reporting purposes. [D04099]
- Fishbone Diagram
An analysis tool that provides a systematic way for looking at effects and the causes that create or contribute to those effects. Editor's Note: So called because the diagram looks like the back bone of a fish. [D05361]
- Fixed Asset
Property or equipment, such as machines, buildings, and land, used for the production of goods and services. [D05997]
- Fixed Cost
 Costs that remain constant as production volume varies in the relevant range of production. Fixed cost per unit decreases as total fixed cost is spread over an increasing number of units. [D03504]
A cost that stays the same over time, such as for materials, regardless of the task duration or how much work a task requires. [D00696]
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- Fixed Costs
Costs that do not vary with the volume of activity such as accommodation, insurance, depreciation, security and minimum fees for utilities. [D02318]
- Fixed Date
A calendar date (associated with a plan) that cannot be moved or changed during the schedule. [D00697]
- Fixed Fee
A type of contract in which the fee remains constant irrespective of the amount of work involved. [D02778]
- Fixed Finish
See Imposed Finish. [D00698]
- Fixed Price
A type of contract in which the amount to be paid is fixed for a specified amount of work or specified deliverables.
- Fixed Price Contract ("FP")
Same as Firm Fixed Price. [D00699]
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- Fixed Price Contracts
A generic category of contracts based on the establishment of firm legal commitments to complete the required work. A performing contractor is legally obligated to finish the job, no matter how much it costs to complete. Risks of all cost growth rest on the performing contractor. [D00700]
- Fixed Price Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("FPPIF")
Provides the Supplier with a fixed price for delivered performance plus a predetermined fee for superior performance. [D00701]
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- Fixed Start
See Imposed Start. [D00702]
- Fixed-Duration Scheduling
A scheduling method in which, regardless of the number of resources assigned to the task, the duration remains the same. [D00703]
- Flexibility
The Current FY Budget Allocation less the sum of (Work-to-Date plus Obligations). [D00704]
- Flexible
Capable of being easily modified, usually by agreement or under appropriate circumstances. [D02780]
- Float
 The difference between the time available for performing a task and the time required to complete it. If the total float for a task equals zero, then that task is on the critical path. [D00712]
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Available time for activity execution less time taken by the activity. [D00705]
The amount of time that an activity can slip past its duration without delaying the rest of the project. The calculation depends on the float type. See Start Float, Finish Float, Positive Float, and Negative Float. All float is calculated when a project has its schedule computed. [D00706]
Same as Slack Time. [D00707]
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See also Free Float [D00708]
The 'full time' for an activity during which it can be delayed without delaying the overall program. [D00709]
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The additional time available to complete non-critical activities or work items without affecting the critical path (i.e. the total project duration). [D00710]
The amount of time that an activity may be delayed from its early start with out delaying the project finish date. Float is a mathematical calculation and can change as the project progresses and changes are made to the project plan. Also called slack, total float, and path float. See also free float. [D00711]
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A measure of the time flexibility available in the performance of an activity. Available in three flavors; Total Float, Free Float and Independent Float. [D03844]
- Float Trend Charts
A chart showing the progressive change in schedule float. [D02781]
- Floating Task
A task that can be performed earlier or later in the schedule without, affecting the project duration, [D00713]
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- Flow Chart
 A diagram showing the sequential steps in a process. [D05362]
A graphical explanation of a particular process. [D02319]
- Flow Diagram
Graphical representation of an information process. [D00714]
- Flowcharting
See Flow Chart. [D05647]
- FM
See Functional Manager
See Failure Modes & Effects Analysis
See Failure Mode Effects Analysis
- Focus Group
An information gathering technique in which questions are directed to a group of individuals so that interaction among participants will improve the quality and depth of responses. [D06421]
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- Fog Index
 A measure of readability of a written work (in the English language) based on a combination of two criteria:
- The average number of words per sentence and
- The percentage of words containing three or more syllables.
A measure of readability and/or efficiency in conveying meaning in documents, sometimes measured by school to academic grade. [D05363]
- Follow-on Action Recommendations
A report that can be used as input to the process of creating a business case/project mandate for any follow-on PRINCE2 project and for recording any follow-on instructions covering incomplete products or outstanding issues. It also sets out proposals for post-project review of the project's products. [D05364]
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- Follow-on Work
Work that is expected to flow as a result of current work. This may be a subsequent project, an enhancement, or the maintenance of the product of the current project. [D02782]
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