- Roll Up
 On a spreadsheet or cost report, the summation of a column of figures to the next higher level subtotal or total. [D01614]
On Gantt Charts, to display symbols on a summary task bar that represents dates from subtasks. [D01752]
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- Rolling Wave
A term used in scheduling to imply detailed planning or scheduling over a short horizon. Each period, the plan is moved forward by a corresponding amount. See also Short Term Plan. [D02996]
- Rolling Wave Budgeting
A budgeting approach in which a full-period projection is made using an unsupported, top-down budget at the beginning of a project. As time progresses, the top-down budget is replace with a more detailed, bottom-up budget that extends 3 to 6 months into the near-term future. A top-down budget is then used again at the end of the project. [D06246]
- Rolling Wave Concept
The progressive refinement of detailed work planning by continuous subdivision of far-term activities into near-term work package tasks. [D04655]
- Rolling Wave Planning
 Cost and schedule planning where details are developed for the near term and general allocations are made for the out periods. Detail is developed for the out periods as information becomes available to do so. [D04227]
Cost and schedule planning where details are developed as far out as detailed information is available to establish a detailed short term baseline plan. [D05487]
Progressive detailing of the project plan as necessary to control each subsequent project phase. [D06247]
- Rollout
Widespread, phased introduction into the organization of a project's product or service. [D06248]
See Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate
- Root Cause
An event in a chain of events that leads to an outcome or effect of interest or concern. The term is used to describe the depth in the chain at which an intervention could be implemented to change the performance of the chain and hence reduce or remove the effect of interest or concern. [D06522]
- Root Cause Analysis ("RCA")
 A structured process designed to understand the causes of past events for the purpose of preventing recurrence. [D06523]
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An examination to determine what is really causing a situation, issue or problem with a view to removing the conditions so that the situation, issue or problem does not reoccur. [D05724]
- Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate ("ROM")
Estimated cost based on approximate cost models or expert analysis. It is usually based on top level requirements or specifications, and an overall prediction of work to be done to satisfy the requirements. The ROM is usually used for financial planning purposes only. [D04228]
- Round-trip Engineering
An engineering principle that a product should be built as designed and designed as built. In other words, a product and its design documentation should be entirely consistent. [D05488]
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- Royalties
Any costs or charges in the nature of royalties, license fees, patent or license amortization costs, or the like, for the use of or for rights in patents and patent applications in connection with performing a contract or any subcontract. [D03565]
See Ranked Positional Weight Method
- Rubber Baselining
An attempt by a contractor to take far-term budget and move it into the current period, in an attempt to disguise cost problems. Approach will be to move budget, but without a corresponding value of work, to mask cost difficulties. It is an indicator of a likely cost overrun condition. [D01753]
- Rule of Pi
Bias that affects estimates. The actual duration (cost) of an activity will be Pi (3.1415 . . .) bigger than the original estimate, even if the estimator was aware of the rule. [D06524]
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- Rule of Thumb
Some pragmatic ratio used in cost estimating to arrive at some estimate of cost such as contingency, overhead or other level of effort activity, etc. [D03564]
- Rules
Certain ways in which things must be accomplished; guidelines within which people and organizations must work. [D02997]
- Rules of Evidence
 Those rules governing the furnishing of proof. For example, evidence legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of the matter. [D03250]
Rules pertaining to judicial evidence. [D02998]
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Determination of what evidence is permissible in a court proceeding. [D03249]
- Run Time
The period of time during which a computer program executes. Contrast: modeling time. [D04877]
- Runaway Project
A term coined by the consultancy KPMG to identify mainly IT projects which resist termination. Typified by a constantly changing specification and absorption of much extra resource and cost in a desperate effort to get the project finished. [D03943]
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