Chapter 3: Reconstructing the Paradigm
What is the Dynamic Baseline Model (DBM)?
If it is a panacea that we want, then it is a panacea that we shall have! Except, this panacea needs to be much deeper than the organizing archetype of classical project management. We first need to strip the corporation within which we operate back to its essence and then rebuild.
The framework used here is a hierarchy of purpose:
- Values" that reduce to codified principles,
- "Principles" that reduce to strategic objectives,
- "Objectives" that reduce to tactical methods, and,
- "Methods" that reduce to regulatory or institutional "Rules."
"Principles" refers to the corporate principles of our organization, the common good as ascribed through its Mission and Vision statements. "Objectives" are the desired strategic outcomes of the various business lines that comprise the organization. "Methods" are the processes of established practice. "Rules" are instructions to employees relating to the conduct of their work, whether they are by policy, notification or law. To cap it all off, the highest-level construct, "Values" is a reference to societal values, an overarching concept shared by all people. Each of these is a baseline within the Dynamic Baseline taxonomy the "Values Baseline", the "Principles Baseline", the "Objectives Baseline", the "Methods Baseline" and the "Rules Baseline."