Gaming Systems
A gaming system is the natural occurrence where project practitioners and contractors
lose faith in the project plan, such as with a mismatched solution approach.
When confronted with a simpler than possible project plan, parties are left
to figure it out for themselves. They can faithfully follow the plan to failure,
they can navigate at a higher level informally under an unsanctioned regime or
they can move to subvert the plan to avoid accountability or liability.
Gaming systems are often accompanied by apathy, disenfranchisement, low morale,
a lost project investment and a higher incidence of project failure.
To avoid gaming, it is incumbent upon the sponsor to match a DBM complexity
classification with the corresponding DBM level response ensuring things
are made a simple as possible, not made simpler.
Next month In Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 Mark Seely will discuss
Finding Levels 3 and 4; Level 3: Program Management; Level 4: Program
Governance; and Level 5: Public Governance