Chapter 4: Level 1 - Process Management

Process Management
Have you ever played jacks? No matter how bad you are, the more you play, the
better you get. This is because you repeat and reinforce the good habits and dispense
with the bad habits. This is the epitome of Level 1 management. There is a preconfigured
product, a widget of sorts, the production of which is a matter of running the
components through an assembly line. Accuracy in the repetition, and adjustment
to counter deviations, enable a "fine tuning" of the exercise. The reference for
management is a "Rules" baseline that carefully sets out who does what to whom
and when. These are production rules.
This Level 1 of the DBM is arguably not project management it is
process management. It does, however, establish an important marker in our DBM
continuum for defining higher levels of practice.
How do I know I am at Level 1?
For Level 1 we have:
- Tasks within your control,
- An existing concept for which normalization is required,
- Conduct established within a rules framework,
- No significant external determinacies,
- Authority devolved to a supervisory level.
Level 1 particulars are summarized in the following table:
Level 1: Process Management
Closed System
Internal Determinacy
Standard Environment
Detail Complexity
Directs vs. Indirects
Quality Expectations
The extent to which yield and efficiency target are met.
Control Point:
The product configuration is the control point.
This corresponds to "Rules" lowest static baseline.
Performance Management:
Direct Costs vs. Indirect Costs
Performance Measurement:
Control Charts[1]
Performance Expectation:
Greater than 100%
Provided yield expansion targets are reasonably aligned with commodity standards,
the initiative will succeed.
If the targets are beyond reason, the initiative will fail.
Canadian Institute for Procurement and Materiel Management[2]
1. Walter A. Shewhart, Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product, ASQ Quality Press, 1931.
2. he Canadian Institute for Procurement and Materiel Management
(CIPMM), formerly the Materiel Management Institute (MMI), is a leader in: Information
Sharing, Professional Development, Advocacy and Recognition for the public sector
procurement and materiel management communit (ref.