This Guest paper was submitted for publication and is copyright to Mark A. Seely© 2016.
Published here May 2017

PART 4 | Editor's Note & Table of Contents
Chapter 11: Dynamic Baseline Model (DBM) Implementation
Establishing a Realistic Performance Expectation | Managing Performance at each Level - Section 1
Level  4: Enter the Challenge of Risk | Bringing it to Ground | Measuring Performance at each Level
Seeking Opportunities for Improvement  | Chapter 12: Conclusion | The DBM Ten Commandments
Appendix A: DBM Complexity Diagnostic | PART 6

Appendix A: DBM Complexity Diagnostic


The purpose of the complexity diagnostic is to establish the determinacy of an intended project proposition, thereby establishing its complexity level and, with that, establishing the optimal implementation approach and associated performance expectation.

Target Audience

The audience for the complexity diagnostic is first and foremost the project team. These individuals will use this information to flesh out alternative approaches to the solution and will communicate to decision authorities the particulars for each option.


With higher-level complexities, the VIP faces the choice of reducing the complexity with an alternative lower level proposition — one that is perhaps less functionally robust, with the opportunity to evergreen the solution through time. For example, Commercial Off the Shelf can be considered in lieu of high technology development.

A primary consideration for stakeholders here is the fitness for purpose vs. cost and schedule consideration. The stakeholders will have a choice between a lower target fitness for purpose and the associated lower cost, faster schedule expectation, or a higher target fitness for purpose and the associated high cost, longer schedule expectation.

With these expectations established in concert with stakeholders, the VIP should be accorded support for the real challenge inherent in the selected implementation. There is no escaping reality!

A further step toward realism is achieved in presenting the obligations of senior corporate management toward supporting the facilitation of the client regarding external-to-project expectations.

Complexity Template

The complexity diagnostic is provided below. In addition to the diagnostic, a secondary and yet important complementary diagnostic is the risk assessment.

Level 5
Externally Determinate/
Public Rationality
Dynamic Complexity
Performance Expectation: There is no basis for performance assessment


Treatment of Complexity

Identify any public facilitation that will impact the project baselines

Brief narrative on treatment of the complexity — whether to confront or ignore and basis for legitimacy of the latter.








Level 4
Externally Determinate/
Corporate Rationality
Dynamic Complexity
Performance Expectation: There is no basis for performance assessment


Treatment of Complexity

Identify any external-to-project facilitation that will impact the project baselines









Level 3
Internally Determinate/
Dynamic Complexity
Performance Expectation: Low


Treatment of Complexity








Level 2
Internally Determinate/
Detail Complexity
Performance Expectation: High


Treatment of Complexity








Level 1
Internally Determinate/
Detail Complexity
Performance Expectation: Greater than 100%


Treatment of Complexity







Risk Assessment

Proposition Name ______________________________

Complexity Level ______________________________

Risk Characterization:

Risk Event (known unknowns)

Probability of Occurrence

Impact should the event occur

Treatment of risk

Dollarized Contingency for Cost and Schedule
















Stakeholder Decision

With this information, the project team and the Stakeholders can make an informed decision amongst the alternative prospective implementations with due regard to:

  • Target Cost,
  • Fitness for purpose,
  • Performance Expectation, and,
  • Risk contingency.

Next month, in Part 6, the last in the series covering Mark Seeley's challenging book, we will add three more appendices covering a Performance Dashboard; a review of the impact of Human Characteristics; and some consequential Considerations when it comes to Contracting.

The DBM Ten Commandments  The DBM Ten Commandments

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