To complete the project and deliver the product within time and cost constraints, you have to:
- Do the right things
- In the right sequence, and
- Do them right
This requires careful planning.
As described earlier, this planning is a progressive process. It must:
- Be continued through all phases of the project, and
- In increasing detail
To assist in putting plans down on paper, and keeping them current, there are a number of different techniques that you can adopt.
There are also a variety of software scheduling programs available to help.
Choose whatever is best suited to the project in question, but the best advice is to keep it simple!
You can find a lot more information on time management here: sitemap/time.htm
However, the real responsibility of the PM is to consistently balance resources with project requirements and thereby using the resources cost-effectively ...
So, the project must maintain the required balancing between actual costs and the approved project budget.
Cost control is a particularly difficult part of the PM's job and typically will require squeezing the most out of every dollar.
This will require reliable and timely project cost information.
You can find a lot more information on cost management here: sitemap/cost.htm
However, take care to avoid everyone suffering from "information overload".
This inevitably results in the really needed information being buried in masses of often unread reports.
Keeping the project on track will certainly require special project controls.
These controls must be set up to focus on output, that is:
- Performing towards product objectives
- To required quality standards
- And within schedule and cost limitations.
The basis for effective control is to establish clear reference baselines and standards - and stick to them!
The measures that are used are known as "metrics" and the most important metrics focus on scope and quality of the work.
That's because work is what turns dreams into reality!