The list below shows the sixteen MBTI personality type designations with the
population percentages and page references from Keirsey and Bates (Keirsey 1984).
Against each are samplings of the key phrases relevant to project management
also abstracted from Keirsey. These abstracts enabled a subjective assessment
of the suitability for project work of each personality type. For this analysis,
six 'project' types were chosen: Explorer; Driver; Coordinator; Administrator;
Follower; and Unsuited (to project work).
INTJ (1-2% p180)
...the most self-confident... think in empirical logic... decisions come naturally...
look to the future... "builder"... if an idea makes sense it will be
adopted... the most theoretical of all types... natural brain stormers... always
seeking strategies and tactics...
[Suggest Explorer: 100%]
INTP (1-2% p186)
...see distinctions and inconsistencies... the architect of ideas, systems
and edifices... search for whatever is relevant... can concentrate better [than
most]... not impressed by authority of office, position... leaves it to others
to be builder...
[Suggest Explorer-Follower: 50-50]
ENTP (5% p183)
...very alert to what is apt to occur next... characteristically have an eye
out for a better way... keen judge of the pragmatics... expert at directing relationships
between means and ends... not however a mover of mountains... count on ability
to improvise... restless if a project they are engaged in is no longer challenging...
[Suggest Driver-Follower: 50-50]
ENTJ (5% p178)
..."Commandant"... basic driving force and need is to lead... strong
urge to give structure, to harness people to distant goals... establish plans
for a task... search more for policy and goals... places greater trust in empirical
[Suggest Driver: 100%]
INFJ (1-2% p170)
...come easily to decisions... strong drive to contribute... visions of human
events past, present and future... take work seriously... generally not visible
leaders... very consistent and value integrity... good at public relations...
[Suggest Follower: 100%]
INFP (1-2% p176)
...idealistic... profound sense of honor... prefer the valuing process over
the purely logical... take deliberate liberties with logic... adaptable... welcome
new ideas... patient with complicated situations, impatient with routine details...
[Suggest Unsuited: 100%]
ENFP (5% p173)
...intense emotional experiences vital... brilliantly perceptive [but] can
make serious mistakes of judgment... become bored quickly... enjoy creating a
project but [not] the follow-through... good at initiating meetings/conferences
[not] the details... difficult to work within constraints, especially in following
rules, operating procedures...
[Suggest Follower-Unsuited: 50-50]
ENFJ (5% p167)
...outstanding leaders of task groups... high value on cooperation... influential...
relate with empathy... intuition well developed... likes things settled and organized...
prefer to plan ahead... comfortable either leading or following...
[Suggest Driver-Follower: 50-50]
ISFJ (6% p194)
...desire to be of service... willing to work long hours... when undertaking
a task, it will be completed if possible... efficiency and effectiveness of a
procedure not questioned... super dependable... [good for] middle management
administration jobs...
[Suggest Follower: 100%]
ISFP (5% p203)
...artisans in their nature... hedonic and impulsive... do not plan and prepare...
not interested in developing facility in speaking... instinctive longing for
the natural, pastoral... insubordinate... spender rather than a saver...
[Suggest Unsuited: 100%]
ESFP (13% p198)
...radiate attractive warmth and optimism... great fun..."eat, drink and
be merry"... problems will not be allowed to make their appearance... impulsive...
outstanding in public relations... adept at selling... enjoy entertaining...
[Suggest Unsuited: 100%]
ESFJ (13% p192)
...energized by interactions with people... harmony is key... need to be appreciated,
typically in the form of services... conscientious and orderly... good in teaching,
preaching, supervision, administration, coaching, people-to-people jobs...æ
[Suggest Follower-Administrator: 50-50]
ISTJ (6% p189)
...decisiveness in practical affairs... dependable... extraordinarily persevering...
counted on to conserve resources... practical... without flourish... interest
in thoroughness, details, practical procedures... not likely to take chances...
excellent supervisors...
[Suggest Coordinator: 100%]
ISTP (7% p200)
...impulsive... action is end in itself... act is self-directed, self-leading...
seeing hierarchy and authority as unnecessary... [must be] free to vary each
move... do not wish to prepare for anything... want no obligations...
[Suggest Unsuited: 100%]
ESTP (13% p196)
...[people of] action... resourceful... outstanding entrepreneur... conciliator
par excellence... unwillingness to bother with follow-up details may cause an
excellent project to fail... energies may be channeled into antisocial activities...
[Suggest Administrator-Unsuited: 50-50]
ESTJ (13% p188)
| touch with external environment... pillars of strength... responsible...
outstanding at organizing... like to see things done correctly... tend to judge
in terms of standard operating procedures... realistic, matter-of-fact... loyal
to institutions...
[Suggest Administrator: 100%]