The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here August 2021

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked | Book's Purpose
Obstacles to Project Success | The 10 Principles of Project Success
Downside | Conclusion

The 10 Principles of Project Success[28]

  1. Everything starts with Ideation: Innovation, exploration, experimentation
    Allow the time and provide the resources to imagine before you establish an active project.
  2. A clear purpose informs and inspires: Rationale, (dis)benefits, sustainability
    Develop a simple purpose statement that articulates both the problem and solution.
  3. The sponsor is both advocate and accountable: Advocate, godparent, executive
    Select a sponsor with the necessary level of belief, skills and authority, and require them to provide sufficient time and focus.
  4. Customer needs drive the solution: Voice of the customer, definition, design and scope, requirements and boundaries.
    Put your customers at the front and center, and involve them throughout the project.
  5. Realistic planning involves both ambition and pragmatism: Process, milestones, resources, cost
    Temper your ambition with a realistic assessment of the available resources, time and budget.
  6. The perfect is the enemy of the good: Test, assure, excel
    Use your imagination to progress one step at a time towards a successful outcome.
  7. Well-managed uncertainty is a source of advantage: Anticipate, monitor, mitigate
    Ensure an approach to risk and uncertainty that sustains a tension between pace and assurance.
  8. Stakeholder involvement is required and continual: Identify, communicate, engage
    Start with an understanding of your stakeholders and their understanding of the project and sustain this throughout the process.
  9. A high-performing team and culture are indicators of the health and resilience of a project: Team, project, organization
    Invest time to develop techniques to measure and sustain your team's motivation, capability and performance.
  10. Project-driven organizations build capability to deliver change: Selection, prioritization, implementation, agility
    Design systems and processes for managing the portfolio, developing project implementation capabilities and aligning the organization.
Obstacles to Project Success  Obstacles to Project Success

28. Ibid, p5-6
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