The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the various authors.
Published here August 2015

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary


Well, I suppose it is useful for academia to know where the subject matter of project management belongs in the overall academic scheme of things. But we have to wonder how much does that help in extending the knowledge of our subject? Or how does that help in improving the allegedly dismal rate of project success for example? Still, be that as it may, Rodney's careful analysis does provide an interesting structure for discussing the discipline.

So, philosophically there really is no downside to this book. It is what it is, a compendium of professorial opinions on a range of topics selected to fit a predetermined thread through a subject that we have come to know as project management.

We have only one regret as we hinted earlier. Time after time there is an opportunity to differentiate between the management of the challenges and demands of the project, and the management of the challenges and demands of the technologies required in the development of the evolving product. Distinguishing between these two sides of the project management divide would greatly simplify the educational challenge, and avoid a lot of misunderstanding in the literature. Perhaps this will be recognized in the next edition of Rodney's masterpiece.

What We Liked  What We Liked

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