The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the authors.
Published here November 2020.

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary

Book Structure

As noted earlier, this publication is two in books one. The first is a Learning Guide for Project Managers with contents set out in 7 chapters, plus a learning sampler as follows:




Bringing Project Management to Schools, Educators, and Students



Project Management as Learning, Work, and Life Skills



School Projects Versus Business Projects



Project Management and Time Management



Agile and Adaptive Project Management



Educators as Project Managers



The Future of Project Management in Education

Project Bridges to 21st century Learning

This last section of 25 pages, describes three real-life learning projects that can be done in schools around the globe, where a professional project manager and a teacher (or teachers) work together to provide 21st century learning for students.[3] The three examples are graded from youngest to oldest students with each presenting a Project Introduction, a Project Description and Project Cycle Activities by Phase.

This part of the publication has 99 pages including introductory sections. There is no Glossary in this part, but there is a Glossary at the end of the second part of the publication, as you will see below.

The second part of the publication,[4] Learning Guide for Educators, also has its contents set out in 7 chapters with two additional sections as follows:




Bringing Project Management into Classrooms and Homes



Project Management as Learning, Work, and Life Skills



Project Based Learning (PBL) and Project Management (PM)



The Timeless Time Management Challenge



Agile and Adaptive Learning Project Methods



Evaluating Projects — Products, Process, and Learning Progress



The Future of Project Management in Education

Project Bridges to 21st century Learning

Project Learning Resources

This Project Bridges section also features three real-life learning projects done in schools in a graded manner similar to that described in the Learning Guide for the Project Managers part of the publication. The section on Project Learning Resources is the largest — 31 pages, and covers important topics such as Key Learning Project Components Review; 21st century Skills Descriptions; and Educational Research on Project Learning. It also has a list of Recommended Resources and Guides.

Finally, there is a short Glossary of 50 of the most common professional project management terms and their definitions together with their respective "learning project terms" (where appropriate substitute words are suggested).

This part of the publication has 112 pages.

Introduction  Introduction

3. Learning Guide for Project Managers p61
4. i.e., on the reverse side
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