The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the authors.
Published here November 2020.

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary


This is an unusual book in that it is two books in one, printed back to back. The idea is to promote the confluence of project management with education and vice versa. This is done by establishing one part of the publication as a "Learning Guide for Project Managers" led by Walter Ginevri, and the other part is a "Learning Guide for Educators" led by Bernie Trilling. To get from one guide to the other, you actually have to turn the book over.

This is obviously quite a novel approach in that wherever you take this publication the two books always go together. At the same time, it allows both authors to fully focus on their respective audiences without interference from one another. And since the two audiences are both well established and quite different, it is just as well.

As Jim Snyder[1] explains in his foreword to the first part of the book:[2]

"I have long held a strong opinion that the only way for project management to reach its full potential in driving solutions to world problems was to create a generation of project-oriented people to solve project-oriented problems. [And] the only way to achieve that objective would be to fully integrate project management skills into our K‑12 educational programs. That means we must first have project-oriented educators ..."

And therein lies the first major problem — each domain has its own professional terminology. Not only that, but longer established professions are very protective of their fields. Consequently, project managers who attempt to introduce the world of project management into the traditional classroom are deemed to be trespassing beyond their proper bounds.

So the authors of this book must be given serious credit for making the effort to bridge that gap.

About the authors

Walter Ginevri, PMI Fellow, is an active member of the Project Management Institute's Education Foundation (PMIF US) the organization that he joined in 2006. As he observes: "[T]hanks to that decision, I've been able to understand the deep essence of project management, to change progressively many of my convictions, to make my profession more exciting and motivating, to become a better professional and an open-minded citizen of the global world.

Bernie Trilling has considerable expertise in leading and supporting education transformation — where all students have opportunities to grow the 21st century skills now so essential for success in learning, work, community and family life. And further to encourage students to find, explore, and deepen their unique mix of interests and passions into lifelong learning pursuits, with supportive recognition for their contributions to creating a better world.


1. Jim Snyder is one of the Project Management Institute's original founding members back in the 1960s.
2. Project Management for Education by Walter Ginevry & Bernie Trilling. Foreword, p vii
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