This paper was originally authored by Greg Gendall of Midori Media and published by Project Magazine in May 2003.
It has since been revised and updated by the present author.
It was submitted for publication by Email, February 16, 2009, and is copyright © David Garland.
Published here May 2009.

Introduction | What is an S-curve? | Resource Consumption | Progress Tracking
Using S-curves | Generating S-curves | Actual versus Target | Analysis | Conclusion

Resource Consumption

Man Hours versus Time S-curve

The Man Hours versus Time S-curve is appropriate for projects that are labor intensive. It shows cumulative man hours expended over time for the duration of the project. As man-hours are a product of manpower and working hours, these may be adjusted together or individually in an attempt to keep the project on schedule. Projects may require additional man-hours to finish on time due to low productivity, delays and disruptions, rework, variations, etc.

Figure 1: Man Hours versus Time S-curve
Figure 1: Man Hours versus Time S-curve

Costs versus Time S-curve

The Costs versus Time S-curve is appropriate for projects that contain labor and non-labor (e.g. material supply / hire / subcontract) tasks. It shows cumulative costs expended over time for the duration of the project, and may be used to assist in the calculation of the project's cash flow, and cost to complete.

Figure 1: Man Hours versus Time S-curve
Figure 2: Costs versus Time S-curve
What is an S-curve?  What is an S-curve?

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