The following Guest article was initially published at and and is republished here with permission, © Stacy Goff, 2007.
Published here August 2008.

Introduction | Background and PM Methods Experience | What is a PM Methodology? 
Moving Target or Consistent Characteristics? | Consistent Characteristics in Detail
Is Methods Benefit Realization Important? | Conclusions | Appendix A


Project Management Methodologies, or PM Methods, are once again popular. They seem to come into and out of style. But the most effective Project Oriented Enterprises don't ebb and flow with the latest performance improvement fad. Instead, they continue to adapt - and measure the results - of their existing PM Methods.

We suggest that you use the information in this article, including the Characteristics of an Effective Methodology, to evaluate your PM Methods. Then look at ways you can improve your PM Methods' effectiveness. You certainly don't want your Project Teams to think you are in favor of Dust-suckers, rather than Project Performance, do you?

And again, if you have characteristics to add to the list, let us know. If you have disagreement, we'd especially like to know. Send your comments to us at:

Is Methods Benefit Realization Important?  Is Methods Benefit Realization Important?

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