This Guest paper was submitted for publication here on July 5, 2018.
Published here October 2018

Editor's Note | Introduction | Globalization 
The Project Revolution | Everyone a Project Manager

Everyone a Project Manager

Project-based work will increase the focus on Humans — So embrace it! Soon, we shall all be project managers — and we must learn how to use the new rules to maximum effect.

The good news is that project-based work is human-centric. Projects cannot be carried out by machines; they need humans to do the work and the thinking. The purpose of the project is the center around which people and resources are assembled, bond, interact, plan the work and address emotional aspects to create a high-performing team. Technology will, of course, play a role in projects. It will improve the selection of projects and increase the chances of success. But technology will be an enabler, not the goal.

My plea is for society, organizations, leaders, politicians, and people to build the competencies required to transform and thrive in the new digital and project-driven economy. To learn how to set ambitious and inspiring goals; to establish clear deadlines and engage employees and citizens around a higher purpose. To establish a culture in which ideas are transformed into reality through projects. We should not be afraid of the future and the unknown. Let's keep learning, and embrace project-based work.[4]

Note: This article is one in a series related to the 10th Global Peter Drucker Forum, with the theme management, the human dimension, taking place on November 29 & 30, 2018 in Vienna, Austria #GPDF18

The Project Revolution  The Project Revolution

4. Recommended readings:
     1) Why the digital revolution and disruptive ecosystems will push us to leverage our humanity by Michael G Jacobides
     2) Humans in Control by Ricardo Viana Vargas
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