A paper based on the Instructor's Resource Kit, Module 1, Managing the Implementation of Development Projects, by Jerry Brown under the direction of John Didier, World Bank Institute, Washington D.C., 1998. Robert Youker may be reached at bobyouker@worldnet.att.net
and John Didier at jdidier@worldbank.org.
Published here April 2003.

Abstract | Introduction | Hierarchy of Objectives | The Why-How Framework
Another Example | Strategic Alternatives | Horizontal Logic | Summary | Conclusions


As we have just seen:

  • The hierarchy of objectives results in a logical framework that involves both a vertical and horizontal logic.
  • The vertical logic answers the Why-How questions, also referred to as Ends/Means or Objectives/Strategy.
  • The horizontal logic deals with measures of results and assumptions, the if-then relationships.
  • Planning can begin at any vertical level of the hierarchy and then proceed in an up-down direction until all levels of the hierarchy are complete.
  • These levels are called: policy, strategic, and operational, and each has corresponding objectives.

We have also seen that the interests of different levels of management within an organization, i.e. top, middle, and operational, typically correlate with the hierarchy levels:

  • Top management is interested in policy and policy objectives.
  • Lower management wants to know about operational objectives.

While the hierarchy of objectives is primarily a tool for use by project planners and stakeholders during the pre-implementation phases of the project life cycle, project managers and post-project evaluators can also use it.

Horizontal Logic  Horizontal Logic

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