A paper based on the Instructor's Resource Kit, Module 1,
Managing the Implementation of Development Projects, by Jerry Brown under the
direction of John Didier, World Bank Institute, Washington D.C., 1998. Robert
Youker may be reached at bobyouker@worldnet.att.net
and John Didier at jdidier@worldbank.org.
Published here April 2003.
Robert Youker, Retired, World Bank
Robert Youker is an independent trainer and consultant with more than
35 years experience in Project Management. At the World Bank he developed and
presented six-week project management training courses for the managers of major
projects in many different countries. His project management experience includes
new product development at Xerox Corporation and project management consulting
for many other companies. He is currently consulting with the Economic Development
Institute of the World Bank to develop a CD ROM version of an instructor's resource
kit for project management training. He was a Director of PMI and IPMA and is
currently a Director of asapm. E-mail:bobyouker@worldnet.att.net
Having a clear and concise definition of project objectives early in the life
cycle is an important ingredient for success. Clear objectives help ensure that
all project stakeholders will develop
- A common understanding of what the project is attempting to do and
- A commitment to the same objectives.
Unfortunately, this does not always happen.
The result is often confusion and sometimes conflict as stakeholders gradually
discover that their interpretations of the project's objectives are different.
It is important to get early agreement from all the stakeholders that the project
objectives are the ones that they want. A tool for achieving this is the Hierarchy
of Project Objectives, which lays out different levels of objectives. The hierarchy
also serves as a visible linkage between strategy, programs and projects.