This Guest paper was submitted for publication in July 2017.
It is copyright to Oliver F. Lehmann, ©2017.
Published here November 2017

Introduction | Project Business Management (PBM) 
Differences in Demands on a Project Manager | Managing Project Supply Networks (PSNs)
What Constitutes Project Business Management (PBM)?

Oliver F. Lehmann has studied Linguistics, Literature and History at the University of Stuttgart and Project Management at the University of Liverpool, UK, where he holds a Master of Science Degree. He practiced project management for more than 12 years mostly for the automotive industry and related trades, when he decided to make the change and become a trainer, speaker and author in 1995. His customers include international companies such as Airbus, DB Schenker Logistics, Microsoft, Olympus, and Deutsche Telekom. He has also had assignments as a trainer in Asia, Europe and USA. He may be reached at His web site is

When we look at project management as it is taught and discussed today, internal projects are the typical focus, performed mostly by internal teams. In this case, the concept of a project is that an organization builds a project team, a kind of task force, to apply certain changes. For example, to promote strategies, implement tools and infrastructure, possibly disinvest from something, merge or split organizations and so on. There may be some procurement here and there, when the team needs external support from a contractor, but this comes as something exceptional, in other words, as an add-on to "normal" project management.

One can see this understanding of the project management discipline in many places, such as in literature, standards, training, academic education, project management software and certification.

No question, this is valid for many projects. Knowing how to get people temporarily from the performing organization to work for the project and build cross-functional teams is an important competency for a project manager.

However, many project managers look at their current jobs and realize that this does not apply to them and their work as a project manager. What these project managers are doing is better described as:

Project Business Management

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