This Guest paper was submitted for publication in July 2017.
It is copyright to Oliver F. Lehmann, ©2017.
Published here November 2017

Introduction | Project Business Management (PBM) 
Differences in Demands on a Project Manager | Managing Project Supply Networks (PSNs)
What Constitutes Project Business Management (PBM)?

Differences in Demands on a Project Manager

Figure 3: Comparison of major elements between internal and customer projects
Figure 3: Comparison of major elements between internal and customer projects

It is interesting to note that the percentage of customer projects is about 50% and robustly growing. The following diagram shows the distribution in a survey that I made recently amongst 590 participants.

Figure 4: Sample distribution of internal projects versus customer projects
Figure 4: Sample distribution of internal projects versus customer projects

Project management as a business discipline must be one of the most valuable areas of economics in the world. It is therefore astonishing that our professional literature mostly ignores it. This is a serious shortcoming because managing customer projects are particularly difficult and entail a lot of risk. We should have a much better understanding of what makes them successful and what does not.

Project Business Management (PBM)  Project Business Management (PBM)

2. Lehmann, O.F. Customer Projects: What is the Future of the Business?, PM World Journal, 4 (2), February Available on-line from: (Accessed: 1 June 2017).
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