This Guest paper was originally published in August 2013 on the PICARO website.
After some editing to make for easier web site reading, it is reproduced here with the permission of the author. Copyright Leopoldo Innecco © 2015
Note: US spelling of the original text has been adopted.

Published here March 2015.

Introduction | PICARO | Propose Transformation Phase
Collect and Analyze Transformation Drivers | Align Transformation Strategy and Organization
Understanding Corporate Success Factors | The PICARO Tree of Life | Rollout Transformation

The PICARO Tree of Life

After your To-Be operating model is defined, it is important to breakdown the CSFs into more manageable pieces that are aligned to the new organizational structure and core processes. PICARO calls this structure its "Tree of Life Concept" – see Figure 2.

The intention of this depiction is about understanding that the root of the tree (the vision) splits itself into branches (CSFs) and these into smaller branches (BSFs and FSFs). Cutting one or more branches might impair the ability of the organization in achieving its Vision, and will definitely change the way people perceive the organization. They are all interconnected and, when added up, help enable the Vision and facilitate the strategy's deployment.

Figure 2: The PICARO Tree of Life Concept
Figure 2: The PICARO Tree of Life Concept
[Press here for a larger image]

Once you define the initiatives that need to be delivered based on your Tree of Life, you can carry out the second and final gap-analysis. This gap-analysis focuses on comparing the past and the future, "where you are" with "where you want to be". This analysis is about establishing the steps that need to be taken for the organization to successfully board the journey of change and transformation of the business.

One of the most important aspects of this gap-analysis, along with identifying the actual gaps, is to measure the current capacity and capability of the organization, as this will dictate the pace at which the transformation should be deployed. This deliverable represents the second highest peak in resource needs in the project, mainly due to the fact that Subject Matter Experts will be required to help the project team perform the identification and analysis of gaps. This analysis is the final input needed for the Execution Plan.

Understanding Corporate Success Factors  Understanding Corporate Success Factors

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