Leopoldo Innecco, ExMBA, is a business transformation consultant with
over 15 years of international multi-cultural professional experience. Through
driving change programmes in large organizations, he compiled the knowledge and
experience for building the PICARO Framework. He is currently developing software
to facilitate the strategic planning processes covered by PICARO. Using the PICARO
Lifecycle, it is intended to provide an online portal to enable organizations
to process the information produced during change programmes from the organization's
initial strategy formulation/transformation phase to the post strategic reviews.
He may be reached through his web site www.picaropm.com
or by email at leopoldo@innecco.com.
Often the need to transform a business is identified, but how to transform that need into an implementable plan is a major challenge. Taking conventional project structures will usually lead projects to start well but could potentially end up losing focus due to the structure being generic and not tailored to driving major change programs. The PICARO lifecycle was created in an effort to combine project management, change management and business transformation processes into a single framework.
This framework is divided into six major phases as shown in Figure 1.
These phases are: Propose Transformation; Initiate Transformation Process; Collect
& Analyze Transformation Drivers; Align Transformation Strategy & Organization;
Rollout Transformation; and Operational Maturity hence "PICARO".
The development of the PICARO unified framework was based on years of practical
business transformation experience coupled with recognized best practices and
existing theories. For more details please visit www.picaropm.com.
Each of the PICARO phases is described in the pages that follow.