The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here June 2018

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked - Part 1
What We Liked - Part 2 | Downside | Summary


Oliver Lehmann concludes his Preface with these words:

"In this book, I hope to provide project managers with as much guidance as possible to develop this adaptive approach to their projects. To make the best of this book, I recommend doing some analysis from time to time on the project [using the following questions]:

  1. To what type does the project belong?
  2. What degree of dependence and independence will the project manager have?
  3. What is the planning horizon that project:
    (a)  requires and
    (b)  allows for in the two dimensions of time and granularity?
  4. To what leadership behaviors ('Achieving Styles') will the project respond most positively?
  5. How much direction does the team need and value? How much self-organization can it conduct and will appreciate?
  6. Based on which assumptions have project decisions been made so far, and what happens if they prove wrong?
  7. How much non-productive time is left for the project manager to do organizational tasks?
  8. How will the project implement its change request management process not only to allow it to engineer benefits and add value but also to protect the project from catastrophe?
  9. What software should the project manager use?"

So there you have it. Good luck with your projects!

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Downside  Downside

17. Ibid, p xviii, which we find suitable for our review summary.
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