Published February 2013.

Introduction | Our Response | Wikipedia Definitions of Project and Operations Management
Wikipedia Definition of Business Operations | What Did We Learn?
Wikipedia Examples of Projects and Operations | What Did We Learn?
Differences at the Work Level | Conclusion

What Did We Learn?

All three of these definitions explicitly state or infer:

  • Scope - The production of something of value
  • Quality - Some implied standard to be achieved or maintained in both regimes
  • Time and Cost - Constraints in both cases
  • Stakeholder/Customer Satisfaction - Essential for success in both cases
  • Communication and Administration - Obvious activities in both cases
  • Managing and directing, overseeing, designing, and controlling are also evident in all three descriptions
  • People skills, creativity, rational analysis, and knowledge of technology are all required for success in both cases

However, there are some noticeable differences:

  • Risks are not mentioned in either case, but we may assume lower risks in the case of operations by virtue of the opportunity to learn through repeated activity.
  • Projects have limited time spans, described as "temporary", the duration of which is determined by the delivery of an acceptable product. That is, a product that is designed to deliver some benefit.
  • Operations are on-going and designed to maximize value harvested from business assets. That is to collect benefits.
Wikipedia Definition of Business Operations  Wikipedia Definition of Business Operations

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