The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman. Published here May 2022.

Introduction | The Scope of Opportunities
Lack of Response  | Conclusion


Last January I wrote a Musings (Five Steps to Hiring the Right Staff) for the benefit of corporate recruiters-of-staff looking for those with project management talent. Note that I have used the word talent rather than experience. That's because I believe that we are now moving into a different world.

It is a world no longer consumed by the need to fight off the constraints imposed by governments arising from the Covid pandemic. Instead, we see part of the Western world engaged in horrifically destructive fighting resulting in extensive destruction of essential civil infrastructure. Who knows where all that will lead?

Whichever way you look at it, there is a looming need for widespread capability in project management performance expertise. Last January's Musings dealt with advice from the recruiter's point of view, that is to say, the client's perspective. Now, what about the other side of the problem, the Job-Applicant's side? How do you land a very satisfying position in the world of project management? Where do you start?

Obviously, your first step is to get a handle on the type of work you would be most interested in — as well as actively enjoy. This is a challenge because the field is wide open and may range anywhere between administrative work like keeping records and tracking project progress to contributing to the actual project work. And here again, if you are invited to work on an actual project, your work may be primarily "tangible" as in working on a construction site, or it may be "intellectual" as in software development or similarly associated brain work.


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