The views expressed in this article are strictly those of Max Wideman.
The contents of the book under review are the copyright property of the author.
Published here May 2016

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked
Downside | Summary


As author Michel Thiry states in Conclusion:[25]

"Program management is the link between the business strategy and the value it will generate when implemented. It is the process through which executives will be able to express their needs and make sure they are fulfilled. Sponsors will be able to define the improvements they are expecting and clearly link them to the strategy to ensure they are realized and aligned with the business objectives. Program managers will understand how to support both executives and sponsors in a tangible way and how to deliver measurable results to the business. Project managers will understand how their role is essential to the program's success and finally, operational and technical actors will be able to make sure the expected improvements are well integrated and produce the expected results."


"At all levels, the program actors must commit to generate benefits over and above those which projects generate on their own, to move away from using a project (performance only) management mind-set and methodology, and to articulate why program management might be implemented in their organization and understand how it can be sustained."

In short, there is a place for everyone and everyone has their place! Michel's vision of the Program Management discipline is the creation of a very structured affair. Achieving it, however, is another matter, which is why Part III of the book goes into great detail.

But you have to read the book and follow its advice to find out.

R. Max Wideman
Fellow, PMI

Downside  Downside

25. Ibid, p11
26. Ibid, p264
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