Published here February, 2004.

Introduction | Book Structure
What We Liked | Downside | Summary


For long-standing readers of the Project Management Institute's PMnetwork magazine, the name Harvey Levine will be synonymous with scheduling software guru. No doubt this will be because of the many articles he wrote as a Contributing Editor in his Software Forum column about commercial scheduling programs, and their various attributes and incarnations. Of course he has written a lot of other material as well but you would conclude that scheduling is his forte. In fact, he has done much more for the Institute, having been a member of the PMI board of directors, president of the Institute, and then chairman of the Board of Directors back in the 1980s. Indeed, he was honored for his efforts, including significant contributions to the Institute's Body of Knowledge by being voted a Fellow in 1998.

So, yet another book on project management you might ask? The difference is that Harvey has set down his knowledge, understanding and experience of project management honed over some forty years of exposure in the industry. This latest book provides profound practical and pragmatic advice, not just for the project management practitioner but also for senior management seeking to leverage the best out of the discipline in today's competitive world. His lighthearted style makes for easy and enjoyable reading without detracting from the value of the message.

This book is not confined to a dissertation on critical path planning and scheduling activities, resource leveling and the like but to the whole spectrum of project management. Its topics range from new paradigms of portfolio management to project communications and how to make them work. It integrates new ideas with true and trusted old ones, and the text abounds with useful sidebar tips.


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