A paper presented to the International Seminar on Project Management for Developing Countries, September 4 to 6, 1991, in New Delhi, India. The audience was made up of mostly construction people, but much of the following content could equally apply to large projects in other areas of application.

Executive Summary  | Index | Part 1 | Part 2 | Conclusions | References

Summary and Conclusions

It will be seen from the foregoing discussion that the Project Management Appraisal can be structured to cover the full range of functionality of the project management process. It is a powerful tool which should not be overlooked but which must be judiciously applied . This is especially true when project success is critical to the success of the sponsoring organization.

It can and should be conducted early on in the project life cycle. This can serve to identify short-comings in the planning of the project, as well as to identify potential internal risks that might not otherwise have been allowed for.

The PMA can also be conducted to particular advantage during the project's implementation phases. This can provide confirmation and confidence to senior management and the project's sponsor that all is as it should be, or if not, provide a timely warning as to what should be done, where and when.

With the increasing size and complexity of capital construction projects today, as well as the increasing incidence of litigation, new approaches are required to ensure optimum performance. The PMA process provides this opportunity.

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