Published here January, 2007.  

Introduction | Book Structure | What We Liked: Ronald's Perspective
What We Liked: Use of Unique Parameters | Downside | Summary | Postscript
Issues & Responses: Introduction | Issues & Responses: What We Liked
Issues & Responses: Downside | Issues & Responses: Summary


In response to our first draft, author Ronald Cagle had this to say.

Dear Mr. Wideman,

Thanks you for your review of my book Your Successful Project Management Career. It is clear we have different definitions of some of the details but we seem to agree on the big issues. I have reprinted your Email to me and would like to address each issue as it appears in your review.

The printed copy of the book was substantially different than that contained in my original submission and thus I did not have a complete E-file of the final text in my computer. I now have a copy of the E-files from AMACOM Books that allows me to relate directly to the printed copy.

As I go through your Draft I will isolate each issue as it arises and address each issue with a "Response". I hope that format will keep us both on the same page. The thing to remember though is that this is my book based on my knowledge and experiences. If there are differences, there are differences. To the extent possible, I will isolate these differences as they appear in your review.

In some instances I have questions about your questions. For that reason, I think it is wise to return this iteration to you before it is due. If there are miscommunications between us they need to be ironed out before we get into a "print crunch."

In all cases I tried to gear my responses positively and I hope they are taken in that light. It is always easier to criticize someone's work rather than create it yourself.

In the following pages, Ronald first quotes from our original text under the heading "Issues" and then provides his views under his "Responses"

Summary  Summary

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